Local newsOpinion

LETTER: Let’s join hands and get the SPCA more wheels

Resident calls for the joining of hands between the newspaper and public to help get the local SPCA more wheels.

• Anonymous writes:

I read the article about the award that the SPCA handed to the Herald and the editor saying he has big plans to help the local SPCA.

I was at the Rand West branch a while ago and I was shocked to hear that the branch is struggling with just one vehicle.

• Also read: Randfontein Herald kry toekenning van DBV

Their second vehicle keeps on breaking down and they will have to invest in a new vehicle but as you well know not so long ago, they were on the brim of closing the doors for good so I can only assume what a huge task lays before the SPCA to raise such a big amount of money to buy a new vehicle.

I really do admire the staff for pushing through their daily struggles and their belief that God will provide.

Also read: From tragic to magic for SPCA 

If the community can take hands and assist the Rand West SPCA, the vehicle can become a reality much quicker than what the staff can raise funds.

Would you be able to help in some way? Let’s join hands and help the SPCA get more wheels. Email us at randfonteinherald@caxton.co.za — Ed.

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