
Early-morning Operation Okae Molao held in Randfontein

They were carrying out road-worthiness inspections on vehicles going in and out of Randfontein while also searching vehicles for any crime-related items.

Law-enforcement officers from different parts of the West Rand together with other government departments closed off the R28 in Randfontein near Umphakathi Mall and carried out Operation Okae Molao.

On Thursday, August 18 the operation started at 08:00 with a massive roadblock in the area.

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It was a joint venture between the Rand West Traffic Police, Gauteng Traffic Police, Department of Community Safety, Department of Home Affairs and police officers from the 13 police stations in the West Rand District.

Sergeant Phosa Nndateni searching a motorist for any crime-related items, while traffic officer Mosiela Mokgosi inspects the vehicle’s roadworthiness.

They were carrying out roadworthiness inspections on vehicles going in and out of Randfontein while also searching vehicles for any crime-related items.

While the roadblock was being conducted other officers of the law were dispatched to different communities throughout Randfontein with the aim to root out the criminal element.

Statistics of results yielded will be made available at a later stage and will reveal the work the officers and other officials performed during the massive operation.

Rand West Traffic officers have their hands full while inspecting vehicles for roadworthiness as they travel in and out of Randfontein.
Rand West Traffic officer Jan van Breda and police officer Rebecca Sebobiso working side by side at the roadblock.
Constables William Motlokotsi and Nomfanelo Mbatha hard at work not to leave any stone unturned.

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