
COLUMN: Why dogs bring joy …

'Research has shown that owning a dog has benefits for physical health, emotional well-being, and for social and emotional development in children' – local dog trainer.

• Nadine Whittal, dog trainer writes:

At 3 o’clock this morning, I was awoken by the sounds of violence. In a panic, and rather unintelligently, I jumped out of bed, unlocked the doors and ran outside to protect my beautiful babies. What I found was not some would-be intruder but three rather guilty-looking pups. The dogs I was so concerned about protecting were fence-fighting with the dogs next door.

Now, tired and with dark circles under my eyes, I am trying to figure out why I wanted to own dogs in the first place. I spend a lot of money feeding them, training them and making sure they are healthy. It’s like having children!

The truth is though, they bring me joy. Training them relaxes me, and having the benefit of unconditional love is excellent for the ego. That’s exactly why owning dogs is so important. Research has shown that owning a dog has benefits for physical health, emotional well-being, and for social and emotional development in children.

In the elderly, dog ownership has been shown to be associated with higher levels of physical activity, and increasing general health and well-being. In children, interacting with dogs on a regular basis through play and training has shown to improve physical development. Dogs help children to learn about responsibility, loyalty and unconditional love.

Is it any wonder then why we own dogs? For myself, I know that taking my dogs to working trials or agility classes yanks me out of the daily rigours of life. For that little bit of time, I am not thinking about what bills must be paid, what chores need to be done or the stress of work. I am totally focused on enjoying my time with a companion that does not nag me to do the shopping, washing or cooking.

It’s just me and the one creature in life who is totally devoted to me. An experience that is both humbling and empowering.

So, join me over the next few weeks whilst we discuss the benefits and challenges of dog ownership. We will talk about what dog you should choose for you, and the dos and don’ts of dog socialisation and training along with some common household challenges. Most of all, we will be exploring the beautiful, funny and infuriating stories that dogs bring to our lives and make up our dog tails.

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