
Why Greenhills is the most dangerous ward to live in …

Ward 6 councillor discovered some shocking issues during a recent ward inspection.

Ward 6 in Greenhills is the most dangerous ward to live in.

This is according to Ellik de Lange, the DA councillor for the ward who, during an inspection, discovered 679 potholes and 269 streetlights not working in his ward. In addition, 46 stop signs in the Greenhills and Homelake areas are missing.

At the moment, there are 19 uncovered manholes in the ward, posing a huge danger to motorists and pedestrians,” De Lange said.

He added that there are virtually no road markings and no warning signs at speed humps.

An uncovered manhole in Greenhills. Photo submitted.

“Tree branches are growing into the overhead electricity cables, and there are illegal squatters next to the Delmas bridge, which has been an issue for years now.

“There is no service delivery, yet the municipality expects the residents to pay their rates and taxes on time every month. This is not acceptable at all; we now need urgent intervention to resolve these serious problems,” De Lange said.

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