
Traffic-sign obedience in town ‘shocking’

I would appreciate it if your newspaper could highlight this problem. Maybe you have contacts at the various authoritative departments? Or maybe we should just wait until someone is killed?

I would like to know if it is at all possible for your newspaper to do an article on the ignorance of drivers.

I originally come from the south of Johannesburg and have made Greenhills my home for the past two and a half years. I have never in my 58 years of driving seen so many people ignore stop signs, especially down Greenhills Avenue and Kenneth Road.

Last week a lady in a black Range Rover had two young kids in the car. They were without seat belts as they were jumping from front to back. She didn’t even slow down at the intersection of Kenneth and Raven Roads. When I hooted at her she showed me the middle finger.

On Saturday, 11 January at about 10.30am a man in a silver VW Jetta also didn’t stop at the intersection further down at Tambotie. He didn’t even slow down. I followed him and at Raven Road he did the same thing.

I continued to follow him and he turned into a restaurant [premises] in front of the oncoming traffic. I approached him and we had a verbal altercation. He asked what was my problem as there was no accident and no one was injured. I was shocked!

I have tried on a number of occasions to contact the Traffic Department, but without success. I even phoned the police and they said they couldn’t do anything, I must phone the Traffic Department.

I would appreciate it if your newspaper could highlight this problem. Maybe you have contacts at the various authoritative departments? Or maybe we should just wait until someone is killed?

We will look into the matter — Ed.

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