
Same old sewage problems remain in Homelake

Homelake residents still face sewage problems in Kremetart Avenue.

For four years, residents of Kremetart Avenue, Homelake have been facing a huge health hazard. Most of their front yards are covered in sewage, exposing them to harmful bacteria and other related risks.

The Herald has reported on local businesses and residents complaining about the sewage covering most parts of Kremetart Avenue.

Adre Esterhuyzen stands in front of his driveway facing the sewage.

“It looks like the spillage has stopped at businesses in the street – for now – but the problem is that most parts of our front yards are still covered in sewage that is compromising the quality of our lives,” lamented resident Lynette Basson.

She added that despite several attempts to report the problem to the municipality, nothing has been done about it.

Residents said the smell from the spillage is unbearable.

“People simply read our WhatsApp messages and keep quiet. Whenever one of us report the issue we are given a reference number, but it ends there. This has been happening despite the article the Herald has written about it,” said Basson.

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