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What’s happening in and around town?

Got nothing to do during the weekend or the upcoming week? Don’t look any further than the Herald’s What’s on in and around town guide …

• 9 Februarie: Kom was jou kar én hond vir ‘n goeie doel in Helikonpark

Kom geniet vandag – Saterdag, 9 Februarie – ‘n boereworsrol en was jou kar asook jou hond vir ‘n goeie doel in Helikonpark. Van 9vm tot 1nm bied die jeug van die Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Randfontein ‘n Kar-en-hond-was-dag aan in Klekiewynstraat, Helikonpark. Dit word saam met Eagles Stoeiklub aangebied. Alle fondse wat ingesamel word, is ten bate van die kerk se bussiefonds. ‘n Karwas sal jou R15 uit die sak jaag en dit gaan jou net R5 kos om jou beste vriend, jou geliefde hond, te laat was. Jy kan sommer ‘n lekker boereworsrol vir R25 koop en geniet terwyl jy die wassery dophou. Die kerk se jeug is baie opgewonde oor die fondsinsameling en waardeer die gemeenskap se ondersteuning. Vir meer inligting, skakel 011 693 2915.

Die jeug van die Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Randfontein in Klekiewynstraat gaan vandag fondse vir hul bussiefonds insamel deur karre en honde te was. Foto; Pixabay

• 12 and 20 February: U3A West Rand events for pensioners

U3A West Rand is inviting all pensioners to meet new people and go on various adventures this February. Their next meeting will take place at NG Kerk Wilgespruit on the corner of Mimosa Street and Wag-‘n-Bietjie Street, Wilropark at 9.15am on Tuesday, 12 February. This will be the perfect opportunity to register, have a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy some biscuits.The main item for this event will be a presentation about what makes people tick. It will start at 10am, and Dr Denise Bjorkman will be speaking about criminal and leadership profiling. It will provide insights into people’s minds, personalities and habits. On Wednesday, 20 February, U3A West Rand will be going on an outing to Tarlton to visit Greenway Farms and learn how Rugani Carrot Juices are made and to sample some of their products. There are fees attached to these events, so please contact John Giani on 083 729 4883 or Marthie Coetzer on 083 297 9565 for more information.

On 20 February, the U3A West Rand will be going on an outing to Tarlton to visit Greenway Farms to learns how the Rugani Carrot Juices are made and to sample some of their products. Photo: Submitted.

• What to do for Valentine’s!

Every year, 14 February is dedicated to lovebirds and those looking for love. How does one celebrate it? There is the DIY route where you can prepare dinner, watch a movie or have a special night at home, but should you wish to go out, the Herald has compiled a list of things to do in and around the area if you have run out of ideas.

9 February: Valentine’s Outdoor Movie Night at Emerald Resort and Casino in Vanderbijlpark

Why not enjoy a romantic evening under the stars with your loved one from 8pm and watch the classic love movie, Ghost, (starring Demi Moore and the late Patrick Swayze). Pack a picnic blanket and camp chairs. Contact 016 982 8643 for more information.

10 February: V is for Valentine’s Singles Party in Sandton

Don’t be alone this Valentine’s Day and get to Sandton for what has been described as the biggest singles event of the year. Visit the Facebook page for more information.

12 and 13 February: True dating stories told LIVE in Johannesburg

If you think your love or date life is bad, then this event is for you. According to Joburg.co.za, “This is a great event if you’re single, in a relationship, looking for a laugh, or simply just want to get a little insight into other people’s dating lives to see if yours is ‘normal’.” Visit the website for more information.

13 February: Musical Speed-dating in Fourways

Now this is something different and yet again for singles. Prepare to have a good laugh, meet other people and possibly set up your Valentine’s date at the venue. Starts at 7pm. Visit the website for more information.

14 February: Valentine’s Day Paint Night in Johannesburg

Spoil your favourite human to a romantic night of creativity and wine. No painting experience needed. Visit the website for more information.

Every year, 14 February is dedicated to lovebirds and those looking for love. How does one celebrate it?

14 February: An Evening of Love in Pretoria

There is no need to serenade that special person in your life this Valentine’s Day. Instead, let some of South Africa’s top artists do it for you at Time Square. Experience an Evening of Love with the likes of Vusi Nova, 047, Carl Thomas and other guest performers. Visit the website for more information.

15 February: Outdoor Movie Night in Ruimsig, Roodepoort

According to Joburg.co.za, “There’s nothing more romantic than spending some quality time with your sweetheart under the stars while watching the lovey-dovey movie, About Time.” Visit the Facebook page for more information.

• 15 February: Hot 91.9FM Valentine’s Night Race 10km in Randburg

Grap your partner and head to Randburg for the Hot 91.9FM Valentine’s Night Race over 10km in partnership with Sage Foundation. Visit the website for more information.

• 16 February: Valentine’s Movies in the Park in Midrand

Don’t miss a whole list of classic movies in a park in Midrand from 2pm untill 11pm. Arrive in style as a character from your favourite film, celebrate the 80s, the Naughties and so many more! The four films to be shown are Shrek, 40 First Dates, Dirty Dancing and PS I Love You. Visit the Facebook page for more information.

• Until 10 February: The ABBA Show at Emperors Palace

The ABBA Show, scheduled to take place in the Theatre of Marcellus at Emperors Palace in Kempton Park, is a full-scale concert production featuring more than two hours of fun, live music, a live backing band, replica costumes, theatrical lighting and effects, and all the dancing an ABBA fan can handle. This is the must-see show of the year! Visit the website for more information.


• 9 Februarie: Motiveringpraatjie in Middelvlei

Die bekende Susan Coetzer gaan om 9vm ‘n motiveringpraatjie oor ‘Bruistablette vir die lewe’ by AGS Middelvlei lewer. Dié gesellige oggend sal mens ‘n lus vir die lewe gee. Reinette Herbst, Mev Afrika 2019, gaan ook deel wees van dié damesoggend en ‘n musiekgroep gaan optree. Janine Ferreira, organiseerder van die funksie het gevra dat elke persoon skryfbehoeftes en enige boek saambring. Kaartjies kan direk by haar gekoop word en sluit ‘n ligte maaltyd in. Vir meer inligting, skakel Janine by 071 536 5747.

• 16 February: Bryan Ferry coming to SA

Since the release of his first record with Roxy Music in 1972, Bryan Ferry has been internationally acclaimed as one of the most innovative and stylish musicians, songwriters and singers to emerge in pop and rock music. Widely regarded as the embodiment of the glamorous and romantic worlds evoked by his songs, Bryan is also lauded as an icon of sartorial and personal cool. A former student of Fine Art, and as involved in the visual aspects of his work as he is in the composition and performance of the music, Bryan has conceived and directed some of the most original, controversial and critically applauded album sleeve artwork of the last four decades. Now he is coming to South Africa as part of his Global Tour. Catch him live on stage in Pretoria at the Sun Arena, Time Square. Go to www.discovery.co.za for more information.

Catch Bryan Ferry live on stage in Pretoria at at the Sun Arena, Time Square on Saturday, 16 February 2019.

• 16 Februarie: Diamant 4 Valentynsdans in Muldersdrift

Diamant 4 bied ‘n Valentynsdans aan by Diamant 4 Landgoed in Muldersdrift van 10vm tot middernag. Bring jou eie verversings en ‘n koelboks. Braaigeriewe is beskikbaar vir diegene wat wil braai. Kos sal te koop wees en daar is ook ‘n kontantkroeg. Kaartjies kos R80 per persoon en kinders onder 12 is gratis. Drag is semiformeel; geen kortbroeke en plakkies nie. Trek iets rooi aan; daar is pryse te wen. Verskeie orkeste tree op. Vir meer inligting skakel Theo by 083 645 3931.

• 28 Februarie tot 3 Maart: Randfontein Skou

Die 2019 Randfontein Skou sal vanjaar van Donderdag, 28 Februarie tot Sondag, 3 Maart by die Greenhills Stadion plaasvind. Die program is onlangs amptelik bekendgemaak en lyk so:

• Soos altyd skop die Skou Donderdagaand af met die gewilde Pom-pomkompetisie vir laer- en hoërskole. Die Ghoema-wenners Tussen Sterre sal as gaskunstenaars optree.

• RSG se Brêkfis met Derrich-program word regstreeks vanuit die Skou se markiestent op Saterdag 2 Maart van 8vm tot 10vm uitgesaai. Kaartjies is teen R250 by die Skoukantoor beskikbaar en sluit skoutoegang, ontbyt, ‘n geskenksak en vermaak deur kunstenaars Fatman en Caroline Grace in.

• Daar is ook ‘n splinternuwe Fiesta Kuiergat langs die markiestent waar skoubesoekers na al hul gunstelingkunstenaars kan luister terwyl daar heerlik gekuier en geëet word.

• Nog ‘n nuwe groot gebeurtenis by vanjaar se skou is die Jukebox Roadshow op Sondag, 3 Maart van 11vm tot 3nm met Pieter Koen en vriende Leah, Refentse, Dirk van der Westhuizen, Liezl Pieters, Lee Scott, Flooze en Irene-Louise van Wyk.

Sorina Erasmus, beter bekend as ‘Die Flooze’ gaan vir Randfontein tydens die Skou kom kuier.

• Vanessa Goosen, wat 16 jaar in ‘n Thaise tronk aangehou is weens dwelmhandel, is vanjaar se spreker by die Biddag vir Vroue op Vrydag, 1 Maart om 8vm. Toegang vir vroue is gratis tot 8vm.

• ‘n Eerste vir sportentoesiaste is die Sentraal Gauteng Stoeiproewe, asook die WPC SA Bench Press nasionale kampioenskappe.

• Vir die troeteldierliefhebbers bied die DBV ‘n Dog Look-alike-kompetisie met groot pryse aan op Saterdag, 2 Maart. Verskeie hondevertonings word ook in die buitelugarena aangebied.

• Vrydagaand, 2 Maart word ‘n vuurvertoning op die C-veld se buitelugarena deur Fire Desire Entertainment aangebied. Kom kyk hoe word daar met vuur gespeel.

• Die KidZone-kinderspeelarea word ook vanjaar opgetower met nuwe speletjies en vermaak. Kom kyk gerus na al die troeteldiertjies en na Tekkie Tax en sy vriende wat gaan kom kuier. Van Suid-Afrika se top kunstenaars tree ook vanjaar in die Spur Kuierskuur op. Hulle is onder andere Francois van Coke, Robbie Wessels, Dillon Lerm, Ampie, Roan Ash, Jason Bradley, Lance James en lyndansers, Tussen Sterre, Dagdroom, DZL, Chane Valentine, Tanya V, Die Teelepeltjies, Kitaarkêrels en nog vele meer. Op die Skou-hoofverhoog sal kunstenaars soos Snotkop, Theuns Jordaan, Ricus Nel, Fatman, Caroline Grace, Appel en die Basadi Marimba Groep optree. Vir die kinders is daar Buster & Bella en Magonjatjie.

Vir meer inligting kontak die Skoukantoor by 011 412 2878/ 1562 of stuur ‘n epos aan joy@randfonteininfo.co.za. Die volledige skouprogram en lys van plekke waar kaartjies teen afslag gekoop kan word, verskyn op die webblad www.randfonteinshow.co.za wees.

Francois van Coke kom vanjaar Skou toe. Foto ingestuur.

• 1 March: #RandfonteinShow – Guest speaker spent 16 years in Thai prison

Vanessa Goosen, who spent 16 years in a Bangkok prison for allegedly smuggling drugs is this year’s guest speaker at the Randfontein Show’s popular Women’s World Day of Prayer function on 1 March. This prayer function is a must for hundreds of women who flock to the Show Marquee early on a Friday morning to enjoy fellowship, praise and worship, and prayer. For many, the highlight of this special event is listening to the motivational speakers who often tell of the difficulties they experienced in life and how they survived and came out stronger. Goosen is no stranger to hardship. In 1994, she was on the brink of a big break in her modelling career and a Miss South Africa semi-finalist. The world was her oyster – until she was caught up in every traveller’s nightmare and arrested for alleged drug smuggling. She had been duped into carrying books that contained heroin, was arrested and sentenced to death, terrified and desperately alone in a Thai prison in Bangkok. She was also pregnant. Goosen said her suffering was unbearable – she was filled with hatred and unforgivingness. She suffered from severe depression, anxiety, panic attacks and pain. But she did not allow her horrific experience to cripple her future – she turned her setback into a comeback. She survived her ordeal and today she is a motivational speaker, author and distinguished business woman. Women who enter the Show grounds before 8am enter for free. Men are also welcome to attend, but need to pay the gate entrance fee of R90 or they can get a cheaper ticket for only R75 (the list of outlets are on www.randfonteinshow.co.za/visitorinfo/). The colours for the event are green, white and a touch of pink. • Contact the Show office on 011 412 2878/1562 or email joy@randfonteininfo.co.za for more information.

Come and be inspired by Vanessa Goosen’s testimony at the Women’s World Day of Prayer at the Randfontein Show in the Show Marquee from 8am on Friday, 1 March.

• 2 Maart: #RandfonteinSkou: Maak reg vir Brêkfis met Derrich

Radio Sonder Grense (RSG) saai op Saterdag, 2 Maart regstreeks vanuit die Skou Markiestent by die Randfontein Skou uit. Daar is boonop is ‘n groot bederfie vir almal wat die uitsending bywoon. Die bekende Derrich Gardner gaan sy gewilde RSG Brêkfis met Derrich-program van 8vm tot 10vm aanbied, met gaskunstenaars Fatman en Caroline Grace. Kaartjies sluit skoutoegang, koffie en beskuit, ‘n heerlike aansitontbyt, skougeskenksak en -boek en drinkgoed in. Registrasie is reeds vanaf 6.45vm en sitplekke word toegeken aan dié wat eerste daar is. Die drag vir die funksie is lekker gemaklik sodat gaste na afloop van die funksie al die skoustalletjies kan besoek en na al die ander kunstenaars kan gaan luister wat op die skouterrein optree. Die volledige skouprogram is op www.randfonteinshow.co.za beskikbaar. Vir verdere navrae, kontak die Skoukantoor by 011 412 2878/1562 of stuur ‘n epos aan marcelle@randfonteininfo.co.za.

• 2 March 2019: The Chainsmokers live in SA for the first time

For the first time in South Africa, The Chainsmokers will perform their full live show on the Ultra SA main stages! Their debut album, Memories… Do Not Open, remains the third longest running No 1 on The Billboard Dance Chart, and their list of awards goes on for miles, and includes this year’s Billboard Top Dance/ Electronic Artist; Top Dance/ Electronic Song and Top Dance/ Electronic Album as well as a Grammy for last year’s Best Dance Recording. “Bringing The Chainsmokers live here is massive news for Ultra SA,” said Shaun Duvet, from Showtime Management (Pty) Ltd, official licensee of Ultra Worldwide. “We have always prided ourselves on bringing only the biggest names in dance music, but the Chains have been on our wishlist for a while and we’re unbelievably excited to show local fans how incredible this duo truly is. The Chainsmokers not only have over a billion Spotify plays and numerous other accolades, but put on a live show that is incomparable.” Visit www.ultrasouthafrica.com for more information.

Do you perhaps have more information pertaining to this story? Email us at randfonteinherald@caxton.co.za  (please remember to include your contact details in the email) or phone us on 011 693 3671.

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