
Bad driving getting worse

My question is – where is the visible policing? OR You only see the police at accidents and the very occasional roadblock.

Dear all,

My wife drives past Tambotie Mall every day in order to pick me up from work. Last Thursday, as she was turning right into the R41 from Horingbek Avenue, a motorist in a bakkie overtook her in the single turning lane and also turned into the R41. In order to avoid a serious accident, my wife swerved, hit the curb and seriously damaged a wheel on the car.

My heartfelt thanks goes out to the two young guys in two tow trucks that got out to find out if she was ok and to help with changing the wheel. The bakkie sped off.

I am seriously worried about the recent increase of drivers just not stopping at stop streets or going through red robots (the new robot at the mall seems to be a new favourite). The robots at the cement factory in Finsbury have also become a raceway for drivers going through red robots. Just take some time to see how people are just breaking the rules of the road in broad daylight.

One last thing – I think the authorities must lock drivers up for allowing young children to stand in a car – be it between the driver’s and passenger’s seats (the favourite lately) or on the back seat.

My question is – where is the visible policing? You only see the police at accidents and the very occasional roadblock.

Again thanks to those two guys — don’t know their names, but thanks.

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