
Train station in complete darkness

I hope this complain will be taken in serous.

• Anonymous writes:

To whom it may concern.

I used first train in the morning round about 5 o’clock and that time is dark. The train slogan is, you wait for train not train wait for you.

We are asking to assist us with station lights because crime is all over the world. Time takes it all whether you want it to or not, time takes it all. Time bares it away, and in the end there is only darkness. Sometimes we find others in that darkness, and sometimes we lose them there again. I am terrified by this dark thing .That sleeps in me. All day I feel its soft, feathery turnings, its malignity. “When you spend so long trapped in darkness, you find that the darkness begins to stare back.”

To make democracy work, we must be a nation of participants, not simply observers. One who does not vote has no right to complain.

I hope this complain will be taken in serous.

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