
Motorists warned of R28 vehicle stonings

Police issue warning to motorists using the R28.

The Randfontein Police have issued a warning to motorists using the R28 after a motorist reported an incident of stoning to them earlier this month.

According to Captain Appel Ernst, the Randfontein Police spokesperson, the motorist was travelling in a grey Golf on the R28, past Mohlakeng Extension 11 at approximately 8.40pm one night when he heard something hit his vehicle.

Rather than stop to investigate, and possibly expose himself to danger, the motorist proceeded to the nearest police station where it was discovered the vehicle had been struck with stones or bricks.

The Randfontein Police are now warning motorists using the road past Extension 11 to be extra vigilant in order to avoid serious damage to their cars.

“Increased police patrols have been instituted since it was reported that vehicles are infrequently stoned on the road,” Ernst said.

Warrant Officer Lindie Breytenbach is calling on anyone who witnessed the incident to contact her on 011 278 8100.

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