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Gauteng health MEC in hotseat after wave of deaths

DA: She should resign or be fired.

The Life Esidimeni saga continues months after the closure of the hospital.

Jack Bloom, the DA Gauteng’s Shadow MEC for Health, is calling for the resignation of Qedani Mahlangu, the Gauteng Health MEC, after 36 former Life Esidimeni patients died in a period of four months at the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) they were placed in after being discharged from the Randfontein centre.

Aaron Motsoaledi, the National Health Minister, recently said the Health Ombudsman would investigate the deaths – a move which Bloom welcomed. He urged a speedy and professional investigation to ensure no evidence is lost.

“My view is that nearly all of the patients who died in the last four months would probably still be alive if they’d been kept at Life Healthcare Esidimeni,” Bloom said.

Bloom said far more patients were sent to NGOs than planned, and that the NGOs they were sent to were not properly vetted and monitored. He added that not enough time was afforded to find suitable alternative facilities.

“Mahlangu’s disclosure that patients were sent to NGOs without clinical files that included their medical histories shows how reckless these transfers were in putting patients at risk,”

It is unclear at which facilities the deaths took place, however, seven deaths allegedly took place at an NGO in Attridgeville, Pretoria.

“The ultimate blame falls on MEC Mahlangu, who failed to take sufficient steps to ensure the orderly transfer of patients to reputable NGOs. She should resign or be fired by Premier David Makhura,” Bloom said.

Also read: 

New care centre to be opened at former Life Esidimeni

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