
Fingerprint leads to arrest

Fingerprint identifies 24-year-old man as suspect in 2014 crime.

The Bekkersdal Police have arrested a 24-year-old alleged housebreaker and thief.

The arrest was made by detective Constable Thembinkosi Mapoloba on 23 August, after the suspect’s fingerprints had been positively linked to those found at the scene of the crime.

“The housebreaking and theft was committed at about 3am on 13 February, 2014,” said Sergeant Linkie Lefakane, the Bekkersdal Police spokesperson.

The victim is said to have woken to the sound of footsteps coming from his kitchen and decided to investigate.

“[H]e saw two unknown men in the kitchen. They ran away when they noticed him. When he checked, he realised the men had broken into his house and some property was missing,” Lefakane continued.

The victim then reported a case of housebreaking and theft.

Police later retrieved fingerprints from the scene and sent them to the Local Record Centre for investigation. The prints were positively linked to the suspect on 19 August this year, and on 23 August, he was arrested.

The suspect has been charged with housebreaking and theft and appeared in the Westonaria Magistrates’ Court on 25 August.

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