Are humans the most dangerous animals?

Is it true? Are we really this cruel?

I recently came across an article on the internet. It was a real eye-opener for me.

Being a nature lover and crazy about animals I often read articles and books about them. The article entitled Top 10 Most Dangerous Animals In The Worldsounded interesting so I clicked on it.

I scrolled down and at number 10 was a box jellyfish, followed by a cone snail (so deadly that one drop of its venom could kill approximately 20 adults), black mamba, cape buffalo (said to continue charging even if shot in the heart); siafu or driver ants (they come in swarms of up to 50 million); deathstalker scorpion; puffer fish (one of the most deadly animals in the ocean); hyena and stonefish (said to be the most venomous fish on the planet).

I wondered what could be worse. However, in the number one spot and on top of the food chain was a human.

Yes, you and I. If that wasn’t enough, the reasons as to why we are the most dangerous really made me think.

It reads… Human beings may not stand to win in a fair fight against most of these species (mentioned), but thanks to our ingenuity, we have learned how to arm ourselves with weapons and tools which have placed us at the top of the food chain (at least for the time being). We also get extra points on the deadly scale for our aggression, not only toward other animals, but toward each other. The scale to which we take our destruction is unique. No other animal starts worldwide wars or blasts whole regions of the earth into total ruin with nuclear weapons. Without a doubt, the most dangerous animal in the world is the face you see in the mirror each day.

Is it true? Are we really this cruel?

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