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Thieves declare war on funeral parlours

'"It seems like they now have keys' — funeral parlour.

A local funeral home was targeted a second time in one month following yet another break-in this past weekend.

This brings the total number of funeral homes targeted to three in one month.

With the last break-in at the funeral parlour early January, thieves took up to R100 000 worth of equipment from the business. They also managed to steal taps from off the walls as well as chairs and curtains.

According to Lydia Kotsia, a staff member of the local funeral parlour, the most recent break-in took place on Saturday 31 January and like last time, the staff of the business only found out about the break-in on Monday 2 February.

Kotsia explained to the herald “They took only one chair. They also went through boxes of things we had but I’m not sure exactly what was stolen.”

The boxes that the thieves took were printer boxes however none of the printers were taken from the premises nor were any computers.

Kotsia also states that there was seemingly no physical entry break-in which leaves her baffled as to how they got into the building.

“It seems like they now have keys,” she said.

According to Kotsia, police were on the scene and dusted for fingerprints in aid of their investigation.

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