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Mayor sets aside R1 million bursary opportunity

Applications to open soon.

The Randfontein Local Municipality Executive Mayor Sylvia Thebenare has set aside a kind and generous R1,5 million bursary scheme to deserving pupils.

This forms part of her annual mayoral bursary scheme for pupils who have completed their matric but cannot further their studies. Thebenare urges all those interested to apply as soon as possible and to seize the opportunity. The applications will be open on 18 August until 11 November and application forms can be collected at the municipal offices.

The herald spoke to Thebenare who says her annual bursary scheme is aimed at prioritising education and fighting the high rate of illiteracy unemployment among the youth.

“In sync with the national government’s initiative of prioritising education, we have decided to give bursaries annually to deserving pupils from the Greater Randfontein. Apart from the contribution towards society, this allows us to address the issue of skills shortage and unemployment among the youth,” says Thebenare.

“Statistics have indicated that half of those without jobs are classified as the youth and that does not sit well with us. What is more disturbing is the fact that most of them have obtained good results in matric and cannot further their studies due to the lack of funds,” she adds.

Thebenare further says, “My office will not allow this to happen and we will assist where we can, hence the implementation of the annual bursary scheme.

For further information, those interested can contact the Tshidiso Thlaripe on 011 411 0314/5.

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