
Randfontein police make huge dagga bust

Police made the bust after a tip-off from a community member.

Two suspects have been arrested after they were caught in possession of dagga with the street value of R25 500 in Mohlakeng on 25 February just after 8am.

According to Randfontein SAPS spokesperson Captain Appel Ernst, police officers recived a tip off about drugs kept at a premises in the area and decided to raid the house.

“We received information that a household in Mohlakeng was selling drugs and we decided to investigate.

“Warrant Officers Ben Beyleveld, Lukas Benecke, Constable Emile Thiart and Emanuel Ngobeni responded to the information and decided to raid the house and upon arrival, found three large bags with dagga, a dagga plant and loose dagga kept in a container weighing at least 73 kg in total,” says Ernst.

She adds that one suspect found at the scene and the owner of the house were arrested and have appeared at the Randfontein Magistrates Court.

“The SAPS in Randfontein are really dealing with drug related issues on a daily basis and will not stop pushing until we eradicate the drug trade in Randfontein.

“We congratulate these members on the successes made and we know that more are yet to come,” says Ernst.

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  1. Waste of police time and resources – why don’t you concentrate on real crime instead of targeting people who use a relatively harmless plant.

    COME ON people we are being left behind here globally – times are changing. Legalise!

  2. I can’t wait to see what they are going to use to fill their quotas when marijuana gets legalized and they don’t have these soft targets anymore…

  3. More tax payers money wasted on a harmless plant. LOL @ 25k+ thats some sad outdoor weed and doesn’t look to be worth more than R400 a KG.

  4. What a fail on the police side. It seems like that is the only thing they are doing these days. Arresting stoners and leaving the rest of the criminals to do as they please.

    Stop wasting our tax money.

  5. Bragging about busting folks for a harmless plant that the rest of the world is legalizing. What a waste of time, resources and tax payers money. I’d rather see heroine, cocaine, Tik and Speed busts. Wake up people! The weed is harmless and never killed anybody! However, if they were selling to underage kids, then great, the dealers should be much more responsible to who they sell the plant to.

  6. Well its nice to see how hard the cops are working to get rid of the bad thing called dagga, well done guys but what about the people who are been raped, murdered and abused, robbed while you where getting rid of this thing called dagga….. time to legalize and free our police to do proper police work. total waste of time monet andresoueces

  7. The real reason Dagga is illegal, is because the old apartheid government made it illegal back in 1900 odd to curb the use of Hindu migrant Cane workers who used it for religious purposes. Later the regime followed racial principles, following the worldwide propaganda that it “Made black men want to have sex with white woman” Look it up, historical fact. The question is, is how does the government of the “New” but fucked South Africa, still uphold these laws so zealously? BTW, the pigs are paying waaaaay too much for that crapppy weed! Dumb fucks.

  8. How many times have you been hit with the usual jargon about how bad marijuana is for the brain, and how stupid you are going to become if you smoke it.

    Yet, some of the most creative minds of our time attribute their unconventional thinking to the effects of this beautiful herb. So does it make you stupid, or does it actually INCREASE innovation?

    Well according to a study conducted by the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada, the effects of marijuana on the brain are everything but detrimental. Let me explain.

    Professor Xia Zhang and some of his colleagues at Saskatchewan University decided to test a synthetic form of THC (HU210) on a group of test rats to observe the effects the drug has on neurogenesis (brain cell formation and generation). They gave these rats HIGH DOSES of the THC-like compound twice a day, everyday for a period of ten days to get a good idea of THC’s effects on brain cells.

    It turns out, this synthetic THC-like compound actually INCREASED the rate of brain cell formation in the hippocampus (neurogenesis) by a whopping FORTY PERCENT!

    Not only did the rate of brain cell formation INCREASE, but the rats also appeared to be less susceptible to observable symptoms of anxiety and depression. The hippocampus is the area of a mammals brain that controls memory, learning, anxiety and depression. So it makes sense that increased brain cell formation in this area of the brain would prove to be beneficial for people suffering from problems associated with these brain functions.

    Meanwhile, when you compare these POSITIVE neurological effects of marijuana with the neurological effects of other LEGAL recreational drugs such as nicotine and alcohol, you find that nicotine and alcohol actually DECREASE brain cell formation.

    As an activist for legalizing marijuana, it is becoming a bit infuriating to see that such break-through discoveries are being ignored by the medical and legislative communities! Especially when you consider the countless detrimental effects of cigarettes and alcohol, which are sold freely in every store you can find.

    This discovery actually explains why some of the most creative minds of our time have attributed their innovation to the effects of marijuana. With every new brain cell that is formed, comes the possibility of a new and interesting thought process, that can break the boundaries of what an individual was previously capable of.

    The universities’ findings on the anti-anxiety qualities of THC also explain the peaceful nature of marijuana smokers, and now it is not so hard to understand why marijuana smokers have a “no worries” kind of outlook on life.

    Now take a moment to think about how wonderful this plant really is! It is capable of providing clothing (hemp is the strongest fiber in the world), it provides nutrition (cannabis seeds contain the most concentrated nutrients found in any food)! It’s “main ingredient” THC has even been proven to be anti-carcinogenic, eliminating lymphatic tumors in test rats within two weeks.

    On top of all of these wonderful benefits, it has now been SCIENTIFICALLY CONFIRMED that it indeed does increase creativity, reduce depression and anxiety, and promote peace.
    re legalise it the sooner it happens the better it helps millions of people

  9. Cell brain damage stories were fraudulently engineered for Ronald Reagan in the eighties. Astonishingly few people know about this fact. A lie can get half way around the world before the truth has it’s shoes on. I wonder who we can sue for the genocide of unnecessary deaths and lost cures that emanate as surely from the prohibition of this quirky symbiotic plant as does millions of deaths every year emanate directly from the use of tobacco products. I must strongly disagree. This is not a trivial issue. It is as fundamental an abrogation of the inalienable sovereign rights of the individual over what he breaths and consumes as any discrimination can be. Millions of South Africans like myself proclaim this inalienable right not just for ourselves but for the millions that have been blessed by this astonishing, quirky plant in their time of need while we cannot add one blessed second to their lives. Knowledge about the symbiotic relationship between homo sapiens and this quirky plant that our earthly ancestors have comfortably embraced through the ages shines clarity on the misguided counter productive failure of prohibition as a public welfare strategy for legislating humanely.

    What was that about genocide being what is happening in Syria? At whose hands? I am not sure I get your point. It seems to me like reasoning that proclaims my innocence because I only beat my wife up on Fridays, whereas really the genocide type behaviour would seven days a week.

  10. Get a life. One day our children’s children will listen to the absurdity of prohibition and not believe we could be so stupid. Prohibition’s failure as a strategy is as surely a genocide as is tobacco’s legality. Tobacco was a Western cultural thing. North Korea may be many things but in this regard they are more sane than the rest of us. I sometimes wonder what really motivates much of the prejudice we find ordinary.

    Sovereignty over what we do with each moment of our life is only subject to the rights of our fellow man, and clearly no culture has a monopoly over wisdom.

  11. Astonishing to hear bragging about three thousand arrests in Mitchel’s Plain in a crime crackdown and half of them are for drugs. i.e. cannabis/dagga LOL how did we get so stupid and proud of it. LOL and they have a lie about cannabis causing brain damage. LOL If it were true it may be helpful in having to live with such a bunch of alien moronic zombies as author this absurdity. LOL Prohibition is a failed strategy. Stop living in a world of spooks.

    As a human being i deserve the right to self medicate. why make a harmless Tree illegal????
    It still doesnt make sense to me!!!
    All that nonsense about marijuana being a gateway drug, being addictive! That is utter rubbish!!
    If nature aint legal in SA there is still no FREEDOM!!!

  13. Hi comerads since of the begining of the life the govener use wrong tolls for people in mzansi so god drive in to the doctor said u must try to use dagga for medicine end its true bcause of many years with like breast cancer but since god arrive to the docter said u must use dagga 4 medicine, please (SA) legalise that 4 10month u will see changes , I smoke dagga for the rest of my life end y SA do ur own risk of legalise dagga don’t wait 4 anada country do ur self u goetes ek is baie life vir dagga dankie

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