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Westonaria Library kicks off the new year

Westonaria kicks off the new year by hosting the monthly Our Pantry Coffee Club along with pupils from the surrounding area.

As kick-off to the new year, pupils and youth from Bekkersdal, Randfontein, Toekomsrus, Simunye and Westonaria gathered at the Westonaria Public Library on 11 January for the monthly Ons Spens / Our Pantry Coffee Club initiated by Westonaria Library.

The aim of this event was to lead the youth on a path of social cohesion and responsibility. On average these youngsters gather 180 kilogrammes of maize on a monthly basis that gets donated to Ons Spens / Our Pantry.

Thanking the youth, chairperson Anneke van der Hoff said that without the humanity displayed by the community it would be very hard to lend a helping hand to those in need.

Guest speaker Karin Kitching, from the US Consulate in Johannesburg quoted American Ambassador Patrick Gaspard in her speech stating: “We are here on earth to pay rent through our community service.”

Talking to the youth about the Pan-African Youth Leadership Exchange Programme, Karin encouraged all present to work very hard to ensure the best possible futures for themselves.

Through the Pan-African Leadership Programme, high school pupils are hosted by American host families for the majority of the exchange and students are engaged in leadership and civic education workshops, community service activities, visits to local schools and community organizations, project planning and development as well as local cultural activities with American peers.

Participants return home with action plans to bring their exchange experience to their home communities in the form of a wide range of community service projects.

During the programme Precious Douglas, grade 12 pupil from Simunye Secondary School was awarded by Bea Greyling Chair of the local branch of the Women’s Agricultural Union (WAU) for her outstanding community commitment.

“We want to express our heartfelt appreciation to all stakeholders like the WAU and Beta Bakery for their sponsorship as well as individuals like Susan Cronje from Hillshaven for her generous gift for the lucky draw which was won by Christopher Themba, grade 12 pupil from TM Letlhake High School in Simunye,” says programmes Librarian Righardt le Roux.

“Without buy-in from the greater community, this programme would not be the success it is, drawing youths from surrounding municipalities to join in our venture.”

Cohen Grootboom from Toeomsrus walked away as overall winner of the poetry slam with his Afrikaans poem ‘Soos ‘n Boom’ dedicated to his great grandmother, one of the oldest living residents in Toekomsrus.

Attending the event, Elizabeth Biggs from the New Political Forum stated in closure that this is a great initiative and that great things are happening in Westonaria Library.

“It is wonderful to see the library getting such dynamic, positive students from different schools together,” says Elizabeth.

She said she hopes to see this growing and availing more opportunities to local pupils.

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