Year-end message from Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo

Ronald Harris, MMC for Community Development, shares his thoughts on 2022 with our readers.

Ronald Harris, MMC for Community Development, shares his thoughts on 2022 with our readers.

As 2022 draws to a close, I would like to extend my extreme gratitude to every person – including volunteers, residents, businesses and the media – for the phenomenal work done, in sometimes challenging circumstances, to ensure that Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo (JCPZ) and the Community Development Department in the City of Johannesburg, deliver on their mandate of creating a golden city for all its citizens.

Your selfless contribution, in keeping our parks litter-free; maintaining and beautifying our sidewalks; planting trees; cleaning water bodies; patrolling parks to deter criminal activity and even removing tree debris to keep our roads safe, during the seasonal storms, have not gone unnoticed.

This is the true meaning of democracy, where entities like ours work closely with all stakeholders to nurture a shared responsibility to keep public spaces vibrant, clean and safe within the by-laws of the city. Sharing this workload helps alleviate the pressure on JCPZ and enables the entity to tackle urgent service shortfalls in other more pressing situations and areas.

Thankfully, it will be business as usual over the festive period. The Joburg Zoo is preparing for a surge in visitors. Jazz at the Joburg Zoo on December 16 has an exciting line-up of entertainment and the annual Festival of Lights will run until January 1 which showcases massive animal-themed illuminations. These events are aimed at attracting visitors from across the country and presents a wonderful opportunity for residents to reacquaint yourself with the Joburg Zoo, and its Big 5 offering on your doorstep.

All 2 187 city parks and nature reserves can be accessed at no cost, unless you are planning an event for groups larger than 20 people.

Residents can be assured that all emergencies will be dealt with within 24–48 hours by alerting the Joburg Connect Customer Care Centre to trees obstructing motorways on 011 375 5555. The emergency teams will be on standby to attend to all tree-fall requests, relative to the rainstorms that is prevalent in the city, during the festive period. Contingency teams will also ensure that parks are cut and cleaned during the holidays.

This is an excellent time to explore public open spaces with options to enjoy a hike at one of the nature reserves; picnic at Thokoza Park in Soweto; catch a breathtaking view from the top of The Wilds; hop on a boat ride at Zoo Lake or abseil from Melville Koppies.

JCPZ wishes all residents and our valued partners a safe and peaceful festive period. For those taking to our roads, we wish you a safe journey. Please enjoy yourselves responsibly and we ask that every person actively avoids littering to keep the city clean and welcoming.

May this year-end be a time of personal evaluation and renewal, as we collectively work to restore the shine to our glorious Golden City!

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