Curro Aurora youngsters show appreciation for healthcare efforts

SUNDOWNER – Curro Aurora learners expressed their heartfelt thanks to all healthcare workers.

The youngsters of Curro Aurora Independent School expressed their heartfelt thanks to all healthcare workers working on the frontline in the fight against Covid-19.


CHRISTABEL AKPODUADO: I would just like to say thank you to all the frontline healthcare workers, and we are truly grateful for all the hard work and effort that you have put in to make sure that patients recover in full health, even at the risk of your own. You have prioritised our lives above yours, and for this, we are truly grateful. Photo: Supplied
KEIRA DU PLESSIS: From my heart to yours, thank you so much to all healthcare workers who stay committed during the tough times of Covid-19. You take care of other people’s families when you have your own at home. For this, we are truly thankful. Photo: Supplied
MARUBINI JUNIOR MULAUDZI: I would like to give healthcare workers a big thank you. We really wouldn’t be where we are right now without them. You guys are our superstars and shining lights, and may God continue to bless you. Photo: Supplied
NOKWANDA BUTHELEZI (Primary school head girl): I would really like to extend my gratitude for people working on the frontline. It’s funny how we take small things for granted such as going to school or a small thing like hugging, but when Covid-19 hit, we began to appreciate how we miss these things… Life must go on, and Covid would be much worse without the hard work and dedication of healthcare workers on the frontline. Photo: Supplied
REBECCA DU-PONT (Head girl): Our school would like to give a big thank you to all healthcare workers working on the frontline. Your hard work, dedication, kindness and compassion are all efforts that will never go unnoticed. Thank you so much for all that you do. Photo: Supplied
S’QALO AMANDLA NHLEKO: I just want to say thank you to the frontline workers. Thank you for everything you have done to help this country, and we would most definitely not be able to get through this without your help. Photo: Supplied
WANDI ZHARARE: You never give up, and you perform your tasks to the best of your abilities and beyond. Throughout this entire pandemic, you have given nothing but your best, and no words will ever encompass how grateful we all are for the work that you do, and for risking your lives for ours. Photo: Supplied
YOOSUF NOUTCHA: I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for every frontline healthcare worker. Words are not enough to thank you for your strength, courage and dedication. We are here for you and thank you for being there for us. Photo: Supplied

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