
Forever young singers

SONNEGLANS – André and Jenny Hattingh bring back memories from the '60s and '70s as they perform for Sonneglanspark Retirement Village.

You do not have to be young to display grace and talent. Residents of Sonneglanspark Retirement Village learned this when entertainers and sisters André and Jenny Hattingh performed their Forever Young show for them on 13 August. Residents of the village, and visitors from other retirement villages across Johannesburg, listened to sweet and sombre songs from the ’60s and ’70s, characterised by beautiful harmonies.

The two are performing 47 years after they started performing professionally in folk clubs together, at the ages of 13 and 15. They told stories of their professional careers in between songs. “It was lovely music,” said chairperson of the village’s activities committee Lorraine Free. “I think they [the residents and visitors] appreciated it.”

Entertainers and sisters Jenny and Andre Hattingh perform their Forever Young show at Sonneglanspark Retirement Village on 13 August.
Entertainers and sisters Jenny and Andre Hattingh perform their Forever Young show at Sonneglanspark Retirement Village on 13 August.

Apart from being a performer and songwriter, André is also a fashion designer and inspirational speaker. She also previously performed in TV dramas and feature films, including Charlie Word ‘n Starê.

Details: Sonneglanspark Retirement Village Activities Committee Chairperson Lorraine Free 083 479 4003.

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