

Reader Nikki McDiarmid reviews new animated comedy Free Birds on behalf of the Randburg Sun and Ster-Kinekor Northgate.

GENRE: 3D animation comedy

RUNNINGĀ TIME: 92 minutes

CAST: Owen Wilson (Night at the Museum),Woody Harrelson (The Hunger Games), Amy Poehler (Horton Hears a Who), GeorgeĀ Takei (Star Trek)

DIRECTED BY: Jimmy Hayward (Horton Hears a Who)

RATING: 6/10

Currently screening at Ster-Kinekor Northgate.


PLOT: ReggieĀ (Owen Wilson) has never been one ofĀ the flock. Different in every way and the only bird with a brain, Reggie knows that he and his fellow turkeys areĀ being fattened up for Thanksgiving dinner.Ā When he attempts to warn the flock, he is viewed as a troublemaker theĀ flock throws him out. The presidentā€™sĀ daughter (Kaitlyn Maher) chooses ReggieĀ as the ā€˜Pardoned Turkeyā€™ and he is sent to Camp David to live with the presidentĀ (Jimmy Hayward). Here he discovers pizza and TV and Reggie soonĀ feels that he doesnā€™t need a flock, deciding to do things alone and his way.

Until he isĀ abducted. Jake (Woody Harrelson) is aĀ member of the Turkey Freedom Front. His mission? To find the Time Capsule. Once discovered, he will go back to the firstĀ Thanksgiving in 1621 to change the fate of turkeys everywhere.In an operation carried out with a tribe of historical turkeys, peace-loving ninja-birdsĀ who keep the pilgrims on their toes, Reggie must help Jake to save theĀ flock. And when Jenny (Amy Poehler) the chiefā€™s daughter,Ā catches his eye, Reggie has to rethink his purpose in life. Still believing that he flies solo, can theĀ past be the place where Reggie finally fits in and will his love for pizzaĀ change the course of history?

THE GOOD: The tale provides an interesting look at theĀ power that food has over people and is sure to spark discussion. Thanksgiving,Ā while not a South African holiday, makes little difference to a storyline thatĀ keeps the audience enthralled. The brilliant turkey show-downs are a must-see. Seldom does humour appeal to all age groupsĀ at the same time, but here the film excels.Ā Loony, wacky and incredibly amusing, this is an entertaining movie.

THE BAD: ParentsĀ of young children and sensitive viewers must be selective in this viewing asĀ the Hunter and his dogs are most intimidating, their sharp teeth and glowingĀ eyes enough to cause nightmares.Ā As alwaysĀ with stories that centre on food, some debate is sparked. While turkey is notĀ very popular here, the thought of children choosing to not eat birds isĀ concerning. On a continent where hungerĀ is so predominant, the idea that pizza is a better option (while a fun notion)Ā appeared completely preposterous.

VERDICT: In a great fruit salad of genres, combinedĀ together into one story ā€“ sci-fi time travel mixed with traditional culture andĀ historical fact ā€“ the result is good fun.Ā The old takes on the new, as the Space Turkeyā€™s battle the world from allĀ the way back to the beginning.


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