Serious bowls at Old Parks

BORDEAUX – Old Parktonian Bowls Club hosts Bowls South Africa Womens Nationals.

The best female lawn bowlers in the country descended on Old Parktonian Bowls Club to test their mettle in the annual Bowls South Africa Women’s Nationals.

Bordeaux was abuzz for a week as Old Parks was one of the select Joburg-based bowling clubs to host the tournament.

Nearly every day, the lovely women lined up on the greens for singles, doubles and fours matches.

Every point matters in the women’s nationals. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

The usual banter and playfulness that is normally evident at bowls was not quite there this time as the women had it all to play for.

Looks of concentration and determination were seen on the faces of everyone on the greens, while spectators could sit back, smile and enjoy the standard of bowls on display.

“It was nice to get positive feedback, and there were no complaints from anyone either, which is always nice,” said chairperson of bowls at Old Parks, Eileen Breakey.

Tokkie Hattingh of Springs Town Bowling Club in Ekurhuleni plays in the women’s nationals tournament. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

“It was helped that there were lovely people visiting to play from out of town. They said they enjoyed the facilities, food and all that we had to offer,

Details: Old Parktonian Sports Club 011 789 3274/5.

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