Harriers runners keep going

The club had to postpone all its forseeable events, and cancelled its annual Easter 100 - a series of runs over the Easter weekend that add up to 100km.

Just because they cannot meet together physically, it does not mean the running community is not active and connected.

So says Randburg Harriers club captain, John Neale. The club had to postpone all its forseeable events, and cancelled its annual Easter 100 – a series of runs over the Easter weekend that add up to 100km.

However, while lockdown was in place the club challenged its runners to still run a half, third or quarter of that distance over the Easter weekend.

“It was amazing to see 120 members complete the challenge,” Neale said. “Ulrike Karg ran a full marathon by running in circles in one room.”

Harriers vice chairperson, Melissa Arnold was entered to run the Two Oceans 58km Ultramarathon. She decided to run 58km around her garden over the first three days of the Easter weekend, and awarded herself the ‘one fountain’ medal. Since then, and expecially since the move to lockdown Level 4 that allows runners to run within 5km of their homes between 6am and 9am, members of Randburg Harriers have shared photos and videos from their runs on the club’s Facebook page.

The club used to hold monthly braais and now members have posted photos of their own braais on the page. Club coach, Clinton Hunter has also posted videos of workout exercises and fitness challenges for people to do at home.In one of these videos, Hunter and his wife Elsabe do the South African Get-up Challenge. This sees them on their hands and feet on exercise matts before running on the spot while sill leaning on their hands, and then standing up on their feet some time later. They drop down on their hands again, and then stand up again. They repeat this exercise a few times.

Details: Randburg Harriers secretary@randburgharriers.co.za

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