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Athletes continue their training at home during the lockdown

Many of these classes are free of charge at the moment, as they form part of phase one of the academy's response to the lockdown.

Athletes of the I Have Talent Sports Academy have continued their training during the lockdown with new and advanced exercises.

This comes after the academy’s Rekkie Tekkie Challenge saw youngsters jumping back and forth over elastic bands to counter the gloom of the lockdown and postponement of the South African Championships 2020.

Also read: Athletes take part on the Rekkie Tekkie challenge 

The academy’s co-owner Leandri Willis explained that there was a high probability that all formal school sport would be cancelled for the rest of the year, especially where social distancing is required, which necessitated more at-home training initiatives.”Our learners basically lose a whole season of training and developing of their physical skills. It could create a gap in their armour for the years ahead.”

She said to combat this, online rehab and conditioning classes, among other exercises, could keep athletes fit and strong.

“I am also busy with online sessions to help the children with conditioning. It keeps them busy and active during lockdown. There are fun full-body exercises.”

Many of these classes are free of charge at the moment, as they form part of phase one of the academy’s response to the lockdown. It is when schools re-open and athletes can train together again that there will be fees for membership. However, athletics is one of the few sports where social distancing can be adhered to.

“The children will be eager to get back on the sports fields and will enjoy some competition. The only sport where social distancing could be administrated successfully is athletics,” Willis added.”Coaches can manage distancing during training with relative ease.”

Furthermore, athletics is one of the best physical activities for youngsters to engage in as it developes skills that are important in other sports, such as speed, agility, explosive power, and reaction time. Willis said the academy hoped to launch a virtual league to help youngsters prepare for the next athletics season.

Details: I Have Talent Sports Academy Leandri@ihtalent.co.za; 073 448 3414.

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