Budgies flock to Randpark Golf Club

RANDPARK – This year the Budgerigar Society of South Africa held its annual National Show in Joburg.

The Budgerigar Society of South Africa held its annual SA National Show at Randpark Golf Club on 26 and 27 July.

Budgerigars (nicknamed budgies) from all across our beautiful country ascended to the golf club. For two days guests of the club were welcomed not only by the many bird enthusiasts but by the enchanting chirping of about 1 200 birds. The show travels between four provinces and this year, Joburg was the chosen host.

Chairperson of the society and bird breeder, Albert Olivier said breeders came from near and far to witness, and possibly walk away with the bragging rights of having bred this year’s champion bird. A lot goes into selecting a bird for a top prize. At the show, judges will look at aspects such as whether the bird is in good show condition and look at its style in deportment. “We do have an ideal look of what the bird should look like and the one closest to that ideal look will win the show,” he explained.

Birds won in various categories at The Budgerigar Society of South Africa SA National Championship Show. Photo: Neo Phashe

Along with this, the bird must be of good size and good feather quality.

The budgie is said to be a very vibrant, colourful and active bird. Its breeding is a hobby that has spanned many years which is said to have started in the 1800s.

Olivier said each budgie is unique because of its personality and their varying looks. “Budgies got their origins from Australia, it is a small bird that lives in flocks and mankind has taken it from one colour to 146 different colours you now see,” he said.

Budgerigars line the room at The Budgerigar Society of South Africa SA National Championship Show. Photo: Neo Phashe

Olivier has judged birds all over the world in places like Brazil, Germany and the United Kingdom. He said what makes this show so special are the friendships formed through it, “We all share a common interest which our little furry friend the budgie.”

Through the event, Olivier hoped the participants walked away with the feeling of good sportsmanship, camaraderie and that all who attended had themselves a good time.

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