Old Parks the better side but cannot clinch soccer win against DSCJ

BORDEAUX – Old Parks dominates but ultimately loses in cup quarter-final.

It is not every day both coaches say after a soccer match that the losing side was the better team.

Yet, after Deutsche Sports Club Johannesburg (DSCJ) beat Old Parks Soccer Club‘s B team  by the skin of their teeth, the impression from both teams was that DSCJ was lucky to win.

Jordan Bowes of Old Parks tries to shoot at goal before Fridolin Hindelang of DSCJ can cut him off. Photo: Nicholas Zaal


Jordan Bowes of Old Parks and Fridolin Hindelang of DSCJ collide during the match. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

Old Parks in Bordeaux played host to the quarter-final of the Rand Central Local Football Association (RCLFA) U12 Cup on a cool and breezy 26 August.

The sides also top the RCLFA Division 2 League (DSCJ is ahead by six points) and always knew the game would be tough.

Sive Zithulele of Old Parks attacks the goals. Photo: Nicholas Zaal


Fridolin Hindelang of DSCJ and Jordan Bowes of Old Parks vie for possession. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

Old Park’s B team had done well in the cup, seeing that the club’s A team was knocked out in the first round.

The game started with even possession and quickened as time wore on.

When Philip Plate of DSCJ knocked the ball into the goals after a poor clearance, the game stepped up a gear.

Ball control became key for both teams as the game moved at lightning speed afterwards.

Old Parks came to dominate possession and launch attack after attack.


Sive Zithulele of Old Parks attacks the goals. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

DSCJ responded by tightening their defence and launching counter-attacks when they managed to win the ball.

The visitors’ defence was excellent but their counter-attacks were even better, prompting the referee to later award Old Parks goalkeeper Colby Sinclair the man-of-the-match award for some spectacular saves.

Sebastian Sonnbichler headed a ball in for DSCJ from a corner to earn a 2–0 lead just before half-time.

Colby Sinclair, the Old Parks goalkeeper, is named man-of-the-match. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

The second half was all Old Parks as they controlled almost all possession and territory. They hit the post twice and forced a few more saves from the keeper, but just could not score.

When the final whistle blew, DSCJ breathed a sigh of relief.

“Old Parks played awesome soccer and put us under a lot of pressure,” conceded the winning coach, Morgan van Rooyen. “Old Parks were the better team but we had two chances and we took them.”

Old Parks’ head of junior soccer, Gary Roodt agreed his side was the better and said he felt unlucky to not win.

“It was a close one that we should have at least earned a draw from,” he said. “We didn’t take enough shots. We should have tested the keeper more.”

The Old Parks side is out of the competition but aims to overtake DSCJ in the league in the remaining games.

ALSO READ: Old Parks girls take on the best at soccer tournament

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