Be a part of Bantwana Football Club

North Riding — Bantwana College NPC is inviting talented and interested soccer players to join their team.

Passion, dedication and hard work are the hallmarks of some of the best footballers in the modern era, which qualities have become traits to emulate for young players looking to be just like their heroes.

Talented Bantwana College Football Club player Gretel Buttress is one such player, regarding former Banyana Banyana captain Janine van Wyk as her hero.

Gretel Buttress will be one of the players to watch this coming season.

“Her drive and motivation, as well as how she plays the game and what she has achieved, resonates with me very much,” said Gretel.

“This year I’m looking forward to getting fit again, playing soccer with my teammates and enjoying what I love to do.

“Since I was six, I’ve watched my father Theo play soccer and the joy on his face when he was on the field was evident.

This motivated me to join a team so I can experience what he was feeling. Even when I have a bad game, I’m still happy and content that I played.”

One day, 17-year-old Gretel wants to assist talented players in the country to reach new heights and help those who cannot afford to play the sport. She plans to do this by getting a coaching licence.

Last year, Gretel went to France for a year as part of an exchange programme where she experienced a different culture.

“My parents are Rotarians and I was offered a chance to go to France. It was an impulsive decision but one that I do not regret making. I spent the year with three families and was also able to join a local football club named Osny just outside of Paris.

The level of training there is really intense but after a while, I got used to their pace and enjoyed myself thoroughly.”

With Gretel back in South Africa and having joined Bantwana College, she will be assisting the team with their upcoming player registrations.

Girls and women who are interested in learning about soccer, getting fit or just being part of a team can register at Allen Glen High School on 31 January from 5pm to 7.30pm. For more information contact 072 300 1927.

ALSO READ: Bantwana College Football Club to host its inaugural tournament

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