WATCH: Leaders have just 15km to go of the Telkom 947 Cycle Challenge route

JOBURG – The ladies past the 28km mark just after 6.30am.


The leaders of the men’s race past the 70km mark of the Telkom 947 Cycle Challenge about 01:10:00 into the race,

There are two riders leading:


A little after 6.30am this morning, 19 November, the leaders of the men’s race passed the 41km mark along the route of the Telkom 947 Cycle Challenge.

ALSO READ: Watch: Leaders Telkom 947 cycle challenge battle it out along the route

The ladies are battling it out too.

By 6.30am, they had cycled 28km.

IN PICTURES: Cyclists set off on Telkom 947 Cycle Challenge


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