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2017 Rand Park interhouse gala

RANDPARK RIDGE – There's nothing like swimming to set the spirits high for the rest of the year.

Spirit came in shouts and cheers during the Rand Park High School inter-house gala.

Each year the entire school gathers together in their respective houses to compete for the coveted house cup. This year was no different as on 17 January each house marched around the swimming pool with loud cheers and deafening warcries.

The swimmers competed, as follows, in their age groups: individual medleys, relays, backstroke, breaststroke and crawl. The competition was fierce between houses as each swimmer did their best to earn points for their houses.

The overall winning house was Martin.


The individual winners were:

Junior Victor Ludorum – Bernard Wolfaardt

Junior Victrix Ludorum – Teagan Jose

Senior Victor Ludorum – Matthew Bowyer

Senior Victrix Ludorum – Tiandra Nain.

Details: Rand Park High School 011 793 1246.

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