Team SA is medically ready

MELROSE – Dr Kevin Subban explains that Team SA athletes will be safe from the Zika virus that has recently plagued Brazil.

As TeamSA athletes prepare to head to Rio, preparations have been made to ensure that they will remain fit and healthy throughout the Olympics.

Dr Kevin Subban will be accompanying TeamSA to Rio and is tasked with ensuring their health is in good standing. Dr Subban said that they will be taking precautions against the Zika virus, which has plagued Brazil of late. “We have advised our athletes on how to avoid getting bitten by the mosquito that spreads the virus,” he said.

He added that due to Brazil being in its winter season all athletes will be vaccinated against the flu, as well as for swine flu and H1N1 virus. “We also want to make sure that the athletes do not go to Rio sick so we will be vigorously doing checks and test until we leave for Brazil,” he said.

President of Sascoc, Gideon Sam announced that all athletes and teams will be given R500 000 for bringing home a gold medal, R250 000 for a silver medal and R100 000 for silver medals. Twenty per cent of winnings will go to the coach. “The coach plays an important role in coaching and mentoring the athletes, hence the coach incentive,” he said.

Details: Sascoc, 011 483 3788.

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