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Tae (Foot), Kwon (Fist), Do (Discipline)

NORTHWOLD – Sonya Rebelo's passion for Taekwondo has graced her not only with diverse accolades, but with a skill that will enrich her life forever.

With all the medals and trophies that Sonya Rebelo has managed to garner through the years, you’d think the novelty of the art would die out for her. However, this Taekwondo instructor explains why this passion of hers will last her a lifetime.

Rebelo shared that she started this form of martial art by fluke. “My daughter’s instructor noticed this kick I randomly did and he saw my potential and that was about nine years ago,” said Rebelo. Nine years of a new way of life followed that shaped the way she now lives. Rebelo aims to make people understand the difference between Taekwondo and karate. “Too often people think that the two arts are the same but they are not. Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and combat sport while karate is a Japanese martial art developed from fighting methods,” explained Rebelo.

Originally from Bulgaria, Rebelo has twice won the world champion title in her category and has also been a South African champion for her veteran category. She went on to explain that she has lived in the country for the past 20 years and wouldn’t have it any other way.

She said that parents usually want their children to start Taekwondo because they are shy or being bullied. “Taekwondo could give them a boost in confidence, but it is not just for children. The benefits are amazing and it also helps you to be more alert,” said Rebelo. She said it’s important for people to do the combat sport for the right reasons. “As an instructor, you wouldn’t want to teach someone a craft that they would use for ill intentions.” She said that although this is a tool for self-defense, some could misinterpret it as a tool for violence and this should not be the case.

With a solid foundation, coupled with consistency and dedication, Rebelo said that even someone who is smaller in build could overpower someone bigger than them.”Taekwondo transforms your body into a weapon, it helps you use your body’s natural movement to generate power,” explained Rebelo.

Rebelo concluded that she hopes to find a sponsor so that she could do a whole lot more with her skills.

Details: Sonya Rebelo,

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