Young stars to play for the Donosti Cup

MALANSHOF – The U11 Rand Central Local Football Association boys will represent South Africa in July for the Donosti Cup.

South African U11 boys from the Rand Central Local Football Association (RCLFA )  in Malanshof will jet off to Spain on 5 July to play in a major soccer cup, the Donosti Cup.

The boys were selected from different areas in Johannesburg to represent SA for the first time at the Cup in Spain. After about six months of training and practising together, the boys have formed a circle of trust and wonderful team work. Their coach Michael Bender said, “The boys have been unbeaten for their last 26 games and are really a strong team of boys who are passionate. They all work together to showcase the team rather than showcasing their individual skills and that is what makes them so strong.” He added that the team had proven that sport, especially soccer, has the potential to change the lives of our children, and that is when we start working together – colour, race or creed is put aside.

“When we wave out on that pitch in Spain and raise our flag, it will be a very proud moment as we will show the soccer world we belong and deserve to be provided the chance to play against the best,” explained Bender.

“Soccer is my life and I am so excited that the team can go overseas and play. It allows us to get to know other people and learn from them,” said RCLFA team member Troy Bender. Assistant coach Johan Nieuwenhuys explained that the team going overseas is amazing and will instil more passion and experience in the boys. “Right now, it is about the boys enjoying the game and learning how to work hand in hand,” commented Nieuwenhuys. Michael Bender urges the community to support the team in any way that they can as some of the boys need some sponsorship.

Details: Michael Bender 084 842 746.

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