Mayor celebrates with Randburg residents

RANDBURG – Executive Mayor of the City of Joburg, Herman Mashaba writes about the 60th anniversary of Randburg.

Executive Mayor of the City of Joburg, Herman Mashaba writes, on the 60th anniversary of Randburg:

This year marks the 60th anniversary since Randburg was established and today it has developed into a thriving region, north of Johannesburg.

Over the years, Randburg has evolved into one of Johannesburg's noteworthy business hubs. But there is work still to be done.

I want central business districts like Randburg and Roodepoort to eventually compete with the inner city on a small scale.

Unfortunately, Randburg is among the areas that have declined as a direct consequence of neglect and a flight of capital. Randburg and other areas must be brought back to life through massive investment in infrastructure and properties for business opportunities.

The Randburg Civic Mixed Use Development Precinct is such an example. This project encompasses over eight hectares and has an anticipated R1.8 billion investment value. The vision for this development is 5 500m² office space for the use of the City of Johannesburg, retail and residential space as well as the development of a taxi facility that would provide ranking space for 120 taxis, taxi holding space for another 120 taxis, ablution facilities, trading spaces for 20 traders and a 100m² management office.

The City has also entered into an agreement for the development of an affordable housing project in Ferndale, opposite the Randburg Civic Centre. The development will result in the creation of 200 new affordable rental units.

Furthermore, the City continues to invest in the R170 billion infrastructure backlog through substation upgrades, bridge repairs and the electrification of informal settlements. We will continue to work hard to ensure our children will inherit a better Johannesburg than we did.

To the people of Randburg in particular, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing me to take up this daunting, yet rewarding task of leading the City of Johannesburg. Thank you for giving me the privilege to serve the people of Randburg, and Johannesburg as a whole.

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