
LETTER: No medication after hours?

RANDBURG – A resident writes that her experience with extended hours at the Randburg clinic has been rather disappointing.

Sharon Naidoo from Randburg writes:

The extended hours of the Randburg Clinic are not what they say they are.

My nanny went to the clinic to collect her chronic medication and they told her she cannot collect it on a weekend or in the afternoons.

What is the point of these extended hours? She sat there on a Tuesday from 4pm to 7pm and was then told she cannot collect her medication.

She had to go back again on Wednesday morning. This is an inconvenience to me because I am a working parent with a baby.

If my nanny is not at work, it means that I need to take time off.

I phoned four times to confirm that they would give her her medication, and they did confirm. When she got there, they did not want to give it to her.

This is unacceptable and should be improved.

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