Bordeaux North goes down the hill

BORDEAUX NORTH – The reader is appalled at the illegal dumping that she alleges occurs on View Road.

Robyn Muller writes:

Of late, living in Bordeaux North certainly has its challenges.

I have been here since 1993 and have sadly watched the suburb go downhill.

Before I carry on, I would like it known that DA Councillor Potter and Shanaaz Bailey (chairperson BNCF) have put a lot of time and effort into the area, but no one listens and quite frankly, no one gives a damn.

I have two issues:

The illegal dumping in View Road (corner Jean). Just last week an unlicensed truck drove up, dumped the rubble and made a very speedy getaway. I could just take a picture of the rear end of the truck and then noticed no number plates.

Then this morning a truck came with another dump and allowed me to take a picture and get his licence number.

In the past, PikitUp had been very helpful and come to clear the dumping.

But it is ongoing, and I am advised it will carry on for as long as these illegal dumpers get business and that basically we must stop them getting business.

Surely, barriers or bollards could be put up in order to prevent a truck getting onto the area? I believe there is no money available through council for this. It is an eyesore and the area looks disgusting.

It also devalues any properties in this area.

My second issue is the way some people drive along View Road – the speed is frightening.

There is a school on this road, it is a residential area, and yet some drivers treat it like their own Kyalami track. Some drivers do not even stop at the stop street at the school. I know of one house that has had a car end up in their wall as the driver lost control – there could be more instances like this I am not aware of.

When speed humps are suggested, we are told about the long process that is involved as well as the cost implications.

Main Road has had speed humps put up near the school, adding more traffic to View Road to avoid these speed humps. In the mornings, you have a queue backing up View Road to get onto Republic Road, and taxis that feel nothing about driving on the wrong side of the road to avoid these queues.

I for one, (and I am sure there are other residents who feel the same), am feeling totally frustrated and disgusted at the way things have been going, with no light at the end of the tunnel.

I thank you in advance for publishing this.

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