
OPINION: Home remedies for a runny nose

What do thyme, mustard oil and spicy foods have in common? They're all useful in treating runny noses.

As the seasons change and it becomes cooler, the runny noses arrive. Pharmacies carry all sorts of medicines guaranteeing relief, but more often than not they don’t work. People have reservations about using these medications as they are often full of strange ingredients and have unpleasant side effects, the most common being drowsiness.

The alternative? Natural remedies using all-natural ingredients.

Besides for a change in temperature, a runny nose may be caused by several different factors; such as pollen and food allergies. Certain foods can trigger the formation of mucus around the nose and throat. Dairy products are the most common culprits. Other foods which tend to be mucus-forming include bananas, wheat-based foods such as bread, pasta, pastries, biscuits, cakes and many breakfast cereals. Eliminate these foods from your diet for a period of three weeks as an experiment.

Try some of these remedies while in the comfort of your home. Bear in mind that not all remedies will work for everyone. Ensure you do not have an intolerance or are allergic to anything below.

Spicy foods

If spicy foods usually cause your nose to run, it may seem contradictory to suggest that spicy foods can actually cure a runny nose, but it works. It will temporarily increase your nasal discharge so that your body can flush out the blockage and toxins that are making your nose run in the first place. This will help increase blood circulation to warm the body.

Mustard oil

Heat until it’s barely warm and put one drop in each nostril, one nostril at a time. Give a minute to absorb. As this oil is strong it will make it a little hard to breath until it is absorbed.


Take a tablespoon of dry thyme and crush finely until a powder. Gently inhale the powder. You can also use oil of thyme in the same way as the mustard oil.

Honey and lime

Add one tablespoon of honey and 2-3 drops of fresh lime juice in one cup of water. Drink when warm.

Eucalyptus oil

Inhaling its vapours may help clear nasal obstruction and relieve nasal discharge. Pour two cups of boiling water into a bowl, add 10 drops of the oil, and inhale the scented steam. If you like, drape a towel over your head while inhaling.

Claire Brown is a natural remedy expert based in Northcliff.

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