
OPINION: A Natural End to Stinky Feet

Stinky feet are embarrassing, and something few of us will admit to.

There are several natural solutions that will put an end to smelly feet, most of which are made from plant-based ingredients and beneficial to your body as a whole.

Here are some basic tips to help with foot odour:

1. Be careful how often you wash your feet. Only wash them enough to remove the offending bacteria. Washing them too often will remove protective oils.

2. For strong foot odour bathe your feet several times a day, but if you notice that your feet are becoming scaly and cracked, reduce the number of washings.

3. For extra sweaty feet, add half a cup of kosher salt (it has larger crystals than ordinary table salt) to a small bowl of water and soak your feet. Dry them thoroughly afterwards; salt has a drying effect on the skin.

4. Sprinkle the inside of your shoes with corn-starch. It will help absorb moisture, keeping your feet drier.

A simple homemade deodorant recipe:


ā€¢ 1 tablespoon of grated beeswax to help prevent perspiration

ā€¢ 4 tablespoons of coconut oil to soften and protect against bacteria

ā€¢ 1 tablespoon of Shea butter for softening

ā€¢ 4 teaspoons of clay (bentonite or other) for extra dryness protection

ā€¢ 25 drops essential oil. Tea tree is recommended as it is antibacterial and antifungal

ā€¢ An empty, clean and sterilised deodorant container


ā€¢ Melt the beeswax and coconut oil on a very low heat and whisk.

ā€¢ Once melted, add in the Shea butter and whisk.

ā€¢ Remove from the heat and continue whisk

ā€¢ Sprinkle in the clay and continue to whisk until well combined.

ā€¢ Drop in the essential oil and whisk.

ā€¢ Place the pan into a cool water bath, and leave for five minutes.

ā€¢ Spoon the mixture into your deodorant container and place it in the freezer for 30 minutes.

ā€¢ Once the mixture is hard itā€™s ready for use.

Claire Brown is a natural remedy expert based in Northcliff.

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