Illegal advertising is a scourge on the cityscape

Posters hoping to catch the eye of passersby along almost every street are not just an eyesore, they can be dangerous to communities.

Driving along almost any street with a child of reading age means they are exposed to harmful or distasteful illegal adverts offering services such as abortions, penis enlargements, love potions and more on the way to school.

Justin Jones, a property development consultant and former city planner, believes that apart from being an eyesore, these illegal adverts are harming communities in ways that aren’t always obvious to residents.

He said “Guerrilla marketing and illegal advertising is a pandemic in the city and harms the residential amenity of neighbourhoods. Communities should be safe, secure and not inundated by crime, grime and harmful advertising such as the poster we are at which offers a 30-minute abortion.”

The Community Cleaners removed a bakkie load of illegal advertising in the greater Fairland area.

Jones is a firm believer in the broken window theory, where a city that deals with the small things, like illegal advertising, creates an atmosphere of order and lawfulness.

The fact that most of these posters and signs are stuck on city infrastructure like substations and light poles shows the municipality is not taking by-law infringements seriously.

Residents like Jones and many others are on a crusade to remove harmful advertising and remove them when they can, but they need the city to help.

The Community Cleaners, a team of volunteers, who operate in the greater Fairland area recently removed a bakkie load of illegal signs from the area. These were for everything from real estate agent boards to advertising upcoming events and more.

Member of the Mayoral Committee for Development Planning Eunice Mgcina said recently that despite the city’s efforts to engage illegal advertisers, ‘there is still a considerable number of unscrupulous media owners who have put up illegal advertising signs on public and private land without council approval’.

Outdoor adverts will show a small sticker with a reference number displayed if it has been approved by the city.

JMPD spokesperson Superintendent Xolani Fihla says, “Illegal outdoor advertising is the unauthorised display of advertisements in public spaces without the necessary permissions from the municipality or in violation of local by-laws. This can include erecting unauthorised billboards, posters, or signs in prime locations along arterial roads. The specific regulations can vary by location, but generally, any advertising sign erected without the prior written approval of the city is considered illegal.”

He says that paying for advertising in public spaces is important for several reasons. Firstly, the fees collected from advertisers contribute to the city’s revenue, which can be used for the maintenance and development of public spaces.

Justin Jones stands at a mini-substation on Mountainview Avenue in Northcliff with an illegal advert selling a 30-minute abortion. Photo: Emily Wellman Bain

Secondly, it helps regulate the use of public spaces and prevents overcrowding of advertisements, ensuring that public spaces remain accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

“Additionally, it allows the city to enforce quality standards for advertisements, contributing to the aesthetic appeal of the city. Finally, it ensures fair business practices, where all businesses have an equal opportunity to advertise in public spaces.”

He says the cost of illegal advertising to the city in lost revenue can be significant.

“In Johannesburg, unauthorised billboards erected in prime locations were found to be costing the city millions in lost revenue due to non-compliance with municipal outdoor advertising by-laws.”

When illegal posters and signs are discovered and removed, the relevant businesses are contacted and informed about the violation. Fines are then imposed on the responsible parties for each poster and sign.

The city calls on brand owners or advertisers and their advertising agencies to contact the city to confirm the legality of any advertising sign before concluding any media contracts and or to desist from the illegal erection of advertising signs and billboards.

“Our message to all advertising entities across the city is clear – comply, or we will come after you,” said Mgcina.

Visit their website here and search for Outdoor Advertising to learn more or to apply for permissions.

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