Maxhaven residents pack hampers for Mandela Day

In anticipation of Mandela Day, volunteers at Maxhaven Retirement Village worked tirelessly to assemble hampers filled with clothing for children, demonstrating the power of unity and the enduring legacy of Nelson Mandela.

In a heart-warming display of community spirit and dedication to the values of Nelson Mandela, residents of Maxhaven Retirement Village gathered recently to pack hampers in preparation for the upcoming Mandela Day festivities. The event took place at the Maxhaven Village, where both residents and special guests came together with a common purpose: to bring hope and support to those in need.

Among the notable attendees were Monja Boonzaier, from Hamba Bamba Funda, Pieter van der Westhuizen, and Hema Kesa, the Director of the Food Evolution Research Lab at the University of Johannesburg (UJ). Their presence underscored the importance of the initiative and provided inspiration and leadership to the enthusiastic volunteers.

The residents put together the packages.

Boonzaier, known for her dedication to early childhood development through her work with Hamba Bamba Funda (Move, Touch, Learn), said, “Nelson Mandela said that it takes many hands to make the world a better place, and I think that’s exactly what happened here.”

The goal for the day was ambitious, yet achievable: to assemble 67 hampers filled with clothing and essentials for a mother and small child. This initiative aimed to ensure that children in need would receive necessary items, aligning with the spirit of giving and community upliftment that Nelson Mandela Day embodies.

They exceeded expectations when they were able to put together 180 hampers.

Monja Boonzaier packs the hand knitted blankets.

The residents of Maxhaven, along with their esteemed guests, worked diligently, sorting and packing clothes, ensuring each hamper was thoughtfully prepared. The atmosphere was one of camaraderie and shared purpose, with volunteers chatting and exchanging stories as they worked. The sense of fulfilment and joy was palpable, knowing their efforts would make a tangible difference in the lives of many children.

Van der Westhuizen says that he hopes that they will be able to make such initiatives a norm, and not just done on Mandela Day.

The residents put together the packages for Mandela Day.

Kesa emphasized the educational aspect of the event, noting, “The theme for this Mandela Day is Nutrition Nurtures for mother and baby, so today we are here to fill the jars, and we are busy putting the clothes together for the moms and babies.”

As the day drew to a close, the volunteers at Maxhaven looked over their accomplishments with pride. The 180 hampers stood as a testament to their hard work and the power of collective action. The event served as a reminder of Nelson Mandela’s enduring legacy and the importance of each individual’s contribution to creating a better world.

The packed hampers will be distributed on Mandela Day, furthering the impact of the day’s celebrations, and ensuring that the spirit of giving and community support continues to thrive. This prelude event at Maxhaven Retirement Village set the stage for a meaningful and impactful Mandela Day, showcasing the best of what humanity has to offer.

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