NRA calls on residents to get involved and attend clean-ups

Dean Pillay explained that the clean-up programme will help school kids with their community service hours and also instils a sense of community support and involvement.

A group of residents and the North Riding Residents Association (NRA) collaborated on a clean-up as part of their efforts to make North Riding a secure and hygienic neighbourhood.

The residents cleaned up roads, and pavements, and collected rubbish in most of the streets in the area. They worked from Derby and Hyperion Drive up to Pritchard Street and Bellairs to Malibongwe Drive, collecting litter.

Roberts Maluleke at North Riding cleans up. Photo: Mthulisi Lwazi Khuboni

Dean Pillay of the NRA explained that keeping the area clean is a community effort. “It‘s amazing – the businesses, the estate agents and security vendors are coming on board.”

However, they still need the residents to start being more active and supportive.

Zulfikar Mirza and his family at the clean-up Photo: Mthulisi Lwazi Khuboni

“The very same shops you purchase at, the security you use in your house or complex are the same guys that are coming and helping us out with these clean-ups. We really want to get the bulk of the community members to come in.

“We have more than 1 500 people in two groups, but the turnout is core members of the NRA team, security members and businesses that come and make donations and there are a few community members.”

Msizi Mncube. Photo: Mthulisi Lwazi Khuboni

He added that they need more people involved and the clean-ups will become something bigger, and they will cover more areas and can become something they do once or twice in two months.

“We want to get the community to take care of our surroundings to where we will almost not need the municipality to get involved. We want to maintain our places, look out for our own homes, have security, clean facilities, have people walking around safe in a clean and healthy environment.”

North Riding residents clean up the streets.

The NRA also wants to build a group of people that comes together as a community that can help, work and get to know each other.

“Here we have people that live next to each other but don’t know their neighbours. We want people to interact with one another; we want to build a group that cares about each other and the next person in our community. We want to get everyone involved and work as a team,” added Pillay.

Admin members of the North Riding Residents Association.

They encourage schoolchildren to join the clean-ups to get their hours of community service.

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