Curro Aurora to get educational experience with Europe trip

Gerard Appelman explained that they have a good number, and they will manage to keep the learners happy and safe

Forty-seven Curro Aurora learners gathered at school with parents and teachers, geared up and ready for their 2024 international trip to Europe.

Cassidy Steenveld is excited about the trip. Photo: Mthulisi Lwazi Khuboni

The high school learners are embarking on an incredible trip for 10 days visiting five countries: France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Italy. It is the school’s first international trip since Covid in 2019.

Teacher and tour organiser Gerard Appelman explained that they first stop in Paris for two to three days where they will be visiting Disneyland Paris.

Thando Mnisi geared up and ready for the trip. Mthulisi Lwazi Khuboni

“After that, we will be departing to Switzerland where we will go up Mount Titlis. From there we will go to Austria where we will visit concentration camps. It is something interesting for the kids to see; it will bring them down a bit but it is something they need to experience.”

Then they will visit Hitler’s Eagles Nest in Germany and will end their trip in Vernus, Italy.

Keogile Kotsokwane and Leshay Pillay. Mthulisi Lwazi Khuboni

Appelman added that this trip means a lot to the learners because they never get to experience such things.

“We are just going to have fun and learn. It is a history tour as we and we will visit some historical places. It is our first tour since Covid and this is special for the kids and it so awesome that the parents gave them this opportunity.”

Olerato Mosadi, Alex Titus and Taonashe Nyamugama. Mthulisi Lwazi Khuboni

Sharing his excitement about the trip, learner Kaveer Bramdav explained that he is looking forward to visiting Paris and also learning more about the concentration camps in Germany.

Cassidy Steenveld, Jordan Petzer and Keira Pugh. Photo: Mthulisi Lwazi Khuboni

“I also packed TV shows in different languages just to get the feeling of the places. In our school we are very diverse; we love accepting other cultures and it will be nice to explore some things that aren’t in South Africa.”

Agcobile Mbulawa. Photo: Mthulisi Lwazi Khuboni

He added that the trip is very important to the learners who have not travelled before.

“It is an enrichment to us; there is going to be a lot to learn outside the school and the country and we won’t even notice we are learning because we will be enjoying ourselves.”

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