
Bromhof residents work together to clean-up

Resident Laura Oosthuizen says having community support is invaluable and residents can contribute with anything during the community projects.

Residents from Boskruin, Bromhof and surrounding areas got together to remove chopped-down trees and repair potholes in the area.

The chopped-down trees from the side of Tin Road had been lying there for several months, and three potholes on Ostrich Road had been left unattended.

Mike McClure, Laura Oosthuizen and Nikki Belt.

Resident Laura Oosthuizen explained that the areas of Boskruin, Bromhof, and their surroundings are home to some of the most beautiful koppies and parks.

“We noticed our community suffering from a lack of maintenance to our parks, streets, and sidewalks. We strategically select projects that will improve our community and instil a sense of pride. Security is always a priority, and our projects also aim to increase visibility and safety. Not all residents can afford private security, so we assist wherever we can.”

Dead trees are cut up on Tin Road.

She added that these clean-ups are crucial as residents, including those in old age homes or complexes, cannot enjoy a healthy walk down the street due to safety concerns.

“We aim to make our streets safer so everyone can walk their dogs and kids without worry. Coming together for clean-ups has numerous benefits. Crime prevention is a top priority, but there is also a sense of community pride and cohesion when everyone’s contributions make a visible difference. Clean-ups also boost property values in our area.”

Residents repair the potholes.

In the recent project, residents used a chainsaw to chop up several felled trees, resulting in three loads of thorny branches being transported to the Bryanston refuse dump site.
They also used two bags of asphalt to repair the three potholes on Ostrich Road, requiring some heavy muscle to stamp the asphalt into place.

Oosthuizen stated that their primary concern, in terms of security, is the increasing number of illegal traders operating at the corner of Tin Road and CR Swart Drive near the Golden Harvest old age complex.

Dead trees are removed on Tin Road.

“Additionally, a new taxi rank has emerged on CR Swart across from the Bromhof Spar. We are collaborating with the Honeydew Policing Forum, Community Support Services, and the JMPD to address these issues.”

She also encouraged more residents to join these projects as many hands make light work.

“Everyone faces personal and work-related challenges, and having community support is invaluable. We don’t ask for monetary donations from those who cannot afford them. There are many other ways to contribute: bring a flask of coffee to a clean-up site, join us with a spade or rake, or help us connect with local companies that can support us. Any and all support to improve our suburbs is welcome.”

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