
Vandalism and theft keep Robin Hills residents in the dark

City Power is continuously working on increasing security and employing the latest technology in monitoring the electricity network, it is also appealing to communities to partner with it in the fight against vandalism and theft.

The day-to-day functioning of a primary school was interrupted after a week-long power outage in Robin Hills.

This was after the transformer on Berg Street outside Robin Hills Primary School was vandalised with cables being stolen.

City Power spokesperson Isaac Mangena said the perpetrators stole all the internal components of the transformer, leaving only its shell.

“We are aware of the outage affecting some of our customers in Robin Hills,” he added.

City Power has started with the repairs on Berg Road. Photo: Mthulisi Lwazi Khuboni

“Work to replace the vandalised transformer and subsequently restore supply to our customers has begun. City Power teams worked throughout the days preparing to install a new transformer with the anticipation to finally restore supply to affected customers.”

However, work was delayed because the transformer that was delivered was not the correct one.

Deputy principal Royston Sanders said the outage had affected the education of the children significantly.

“We have about 900 people in this school, learners, teachers and staff. We don’t have electricity, phones are not working, we cannot send emails, and parents can’t get hold of the school. We can’t print learning materials so this is affecting the school badly. It’s been over a week and this cannot go on any longer.”

A new transformer is being installed on Berg Road. Photo: Mthulisi Lwazi Khuboni

Mangena said due to the high incidents of theft and vandalism of transformers and mini substations in the city, the demand for this equipment was higher than what City Power had in stock.

“The inconvenience caused to customers is regretted. We appeal for patience as we work on ensuring that the new transformer is installed and the supply is restored.”

He added that the local power utility is concerned by the increase in incidents of vandalism and theft of the electricity infrastructure, not only in Randburg but across Johannesburg. “We have observed that these incidents take place mostly during load-shedding.”

The vandalised transformer on Berg Road in Robin Hills. Photo: Mthulisi Lwazi Khuboni

A toll-free line has been set up to help with reporting suspicious criminal acts around City Power infrastructure. Residents are urged to report anyone digging or fiddling with electricity infrastructure, even if they are wearing City Power regalia. They can contact the entity to ensure that the work is sanctioned by City Power.

City Power cable theft: 0114907900/11/7553.

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