RCCI CEO Linda Blackbeard bids farewell

Linda Blackbeard said her retirement plans involve launching a news business and charity work.

After 12 years of service at the Randburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI), Linda Blackbeard, the esteemed CEO, bids farewell this week.

Reflecting on her journey, Blackbeard explained how her time at the RCCI was marked by her passion for youth empowerment. “I had a passion for making the youth successful, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t interested in other businesses. It was just that I was approached by so many young people that had no direction or hope.”

In addition to the youth, Blackbeard’s focus was also on small businesses. Coming from a background in interior design, she recognised the challenges faced by small enterprises and made it her mission to provide support and resources to help them thrive. “My goal was always to see people succeeding,” she said.

Blackbeard’s efforts have been recognised both locally and internationally. She was selected by Taiwan, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia to visit and share insights into business developments. Additionally, her contributions to the business community earned her a Pan Africa CEO Global Lifetime Achievements Award, a testament to her remarkable achievements and impact.

While many see their retirement as a time to rest, Blackbeard has other plans. “I am delighted because I am starting my own business and will be doing business around the continents as well as enjoying the support from SACCI.” In addition to that, Blackbeard said that she also looks forward to doing some charity work, getting into pottery, and having late mornings.

Neil Pollock, the past president of RCCI, shared heartfelt sentiments about Blackbeard’s impact on the organisation and the community at large. “My introduction to Linda was sparked by an article in the Randburg Sun, announcing an RCCI visit to Dobsonville,” Pollock recalled. He highlighted Blackbeard’s role in fostering connections, which ultimately led to his decision to join RCCI. “Her recognition as the Business Woman of the Year at the 11th All Africa Business Leaders Awards attests to her tireless efforts in empowering individuals in their business endeavours.”

In bidding farewell to Blackbeard, Pollock expressed gratitude for her commitment and desire to empower individuals in their business endeavours. “I will miss Linda’s unwavering commitment to our chamber and her desire for people to better their lives,” Pollock remarked, wishing Blackbeard all the best in her retirement and future.

Richard Ntjana, the current president of RCCI, highlighted Blackbeard’s ability to foster positive relationships within the chamber and beyond. “Linda was a people’s person when she led the chamber as CEO, and you would see that when we had business networking functions,” he added. “She took the chamber from bottom-up and it is now one of the most recognised and respected local chamber organisations in the country, and at an international level as well.”

Reflecting on his journey under Blackbeard’s guidance, Ntjana expressed gratitude for her mentorship and influence. “When I came to join the chamber a few years ago, Linda used to encourage me to be a better person and to perform with honesty and integrity. I wouldn’t be where I am without her mentorship and positive contribution to my life and career.”

Related Article: Business owners mingle at RCCI brunch at Randpark Golf Club

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