Golden Harvest Park has become a haven for opportunistic criminals

Residents, the ward councillor and local private security are determined to force the city to act before the large park becomes unusable by the public.

The Golden Harvest Park should be a place of tranquillity and calm, but has become a nightmare as the ‘panga gang’ continues to run amok terrorising and robbing visitors.

JP Le Roux and his friends go fishing in the dam most weekends where they catch and release any fish caught. “People are becoming too scared to come to the park, in the last two days alone there have been two muggings.”

He says the criminal elements, who sometimes carry a panga, have been around for more than a year with authorities doing little to help. “It is so bad now that we as a group are contemplating hiring SB Security to keep an eye out for us when we are here so we can have a stress-free time and bring our children.”

Raymon Van Der Walt from SB Security is aware of how unsafe the park has become. “The lady who was mugged by the gang was completely traumatised and did not want any help. She said she would go to the police later but wanted to go straight home. But shame, she was in a terrible way, understandably.”

A complication of this park which many others do not have is the fact that private residences are in the park so there is a flow of traffic and people visiting their friends who live here.

Ward 101 Councillor Ralf Bittkau says this was supposed to be one of Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo (JCPZ) flagship venues. “Some residents live here but others are overrun with sub-tenents who do not respect the space.” One house he says runs a shebeen without fear of closure or sanction.

There are also holes in the fence which JCPZ have not closed which makes entering and exiting away from the main gate easy.

“There have also been attempted rapes and last November a positive rape case so something must be done and we don’t know why the authorities are not helping us,” says Bittkau.

His late daughter started a 5km Park Run here. “Her legacy is at risk because people do not want to come here as from time to time things get stolen out of their cars.”

JMPD raided the park after complaints were received about by-law infringements taking place like drinking in public.

“Squatters are going to continue moving in and if we don’t arrest this problem now this gorgeous green space will be destroyed.”

JMPD were asked about their efforts to enforce by-laws with Spokesperson Xolani Fihla saying, “The matter has been brought to the attention of the JMPD regional office which takes note of the complaint. Officers have been assigned to monitor the park for any by-law infringement and illegal activities, especially now seeing that it is the holiday season and more people will frequent the park and many other parks in the city.”

The park is littered with private residents as seen here where dwellings are near the dam. Photo: Emily Wellman Bain

Following this, Fihla sent photographs of officers visiting the park where alcohol and other items were confiscated.

Bittkau has arranged a meeting with the police, JCPZ, the Regional Director for Region C, and Johannesburg Property Company to try and forge a way forward as a collective.

The Randburg Sun contacted the Honeydew Station Commander Brigadier Anesh Maharaj for comment but was requested to speak to a provincial spokesperson. This will published if a response is received.

Two of the criminals believed to be a part of the ‘Panga Gang’ following the mugging on Wednesday seen from CCTV footage.

So too was the JCPZ, likewise, their response will be published when it is received.

Members of the public can call the City of Johannesburg on 011 375 5911/18 to report by-law infringements or any illegal activities or contact Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo at 011 375 5555 086 056 2874. Emails can also be sent at

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