
JW still needs still needs approval before repairs can be made

Members of the Ferndale Ridge Residents Group raised safety concerns and the risks posed to motorists and pedestrians regarding the large hole at a busy intersection.

There is still no tangible solution for the five-month developing hole in the middle of the road on the corner of George and Kent Avenues in Ferndale.

The issue has been logged with JRA by many people in the area and others from different suburbs who use the road.

JRA spokesperson Kelebogile Mafa said they were aware of the hole but Joburg Water needed to do a water pipe diversion before the road could be repaired.

The hole is at the intersection of George and Kent avenues in Ferndale. Photo: Mthulisi Lwazi Khuboni

Joburg Water spokesperson Nombuso Shabalala said the hole was dug to repair a leak in the pipe.
“It was left like that because the team needed to observe the site and ensure that further leaking on the pipe would not occur. Some engagements needed to be considered before executing the job as the work site is in the middle of the road.”

Asked when the pipe diversion would be completed, Shabalala said the work first needed engineering approval as infrastructure may be damaged in the process.

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