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Afterskool Is Lit Introduces WHATS programme In Cosmo City Schools

Sifisokuhle Mkwanazi stated that Afterskool Is Lit's goal is to continue discovering hidden potentials and overcoming obstacles for young people to gain sustainable access to opportunities available for them

Learners from Cosmo City Primary No. 1 School were thrilled to have the chance to showcase their skills and passions at the Where Healthy Activations Transform Society (WHATS) event.

Through Afterskool Is Lit, the WHATS programme aims to empower and encourage learners to participate in their youth development activations which are designed to help discover hidden potentials and help young people overcome obstacles.

JMPD and Green Development Foundation join the Afterskool Is Lit organisation in Cosmo City.

Director Sifisokuhle Mkwanazi explained that about 23% of young people who had obtained a matric certificate still lack the experience required to secure a job. “This limits their potential employment opportunities and is a major contributing factor to the high levels of youth unemployment in our townships.”

He added that access to sustainable career development and life skills quality education remains a challenge for many youths within township communities. And this lack of access restricts them from exploring current and new opportunities made available.

Learners are entertained by the Green Development Foundation mascot Buti Green.

“We have achieved strengthening social cohesion among young people in Cosmo City, increased community engagement and participation, and continue to develop initiatives that empower young people and residents to improve their livelihoods and environment. By fostering local economic development and entrepreneurial events which attract both the private and public sectors, we have managed to create this programme to help access opportunities within the townships for young people through arts, sports, and career development activations.”

Cosmo City Primary No 1 School learners plant trees with Environment Buddies.

Health representatives and JMPD officers gave lessons on safety while Environment Buddie participated in the tree planting with the National Greening Champion, from the Green Development Foundation.

Learners were given a platform to showcase their talents and entertain teachers and guests with music and dance.

Cosmo City Primary No 1 School learners plant trees.

“We had an interesting and fun day at the school, and we look forward to introducing the WHATS programme in other schools as it gains

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