CPF assists law enforcement entities to fight crime

Honeydew CPF said that given the significant crime rates in South Africa, the CPF advocates for an increased police presence as a measure to deter criminal activity everywhere.

Ward 134 councillor Devon Steenkamp believes that the recently launched Operation Shanela can be a useful instrument for maintaining law and order, ensuring public safety, regulating traffic, and deterring criminal activity.

This follows after he and Honeydew CPF patrollers joined the Gauteng police commissioner, Lieutenant-General Elias Mawela and various law enforcement agencies for Operation Shanela in Honeydew.

A roadblock was set up on Northumberland Avenue. It was one part of the many crime-prevention activities that were conducted in the Honeydew and Cosmo City precinct, with the aim of stamping the authority of the state and dealing with any criminal activities.

Minister Bheki Cele joins the police in Operation Shanela.

Steenkamp said that while roadblocks can cause inconvenience and delay to motorists, the benefits typically outweigh the drawbacks. However, it is important for authorities to operate roadblocks in a manner that respects individual rights and freedoms.

“While participating in the roadblock, I witnessed drug arrests, drinking under the influence, and suspected stolen vehicles where the number plates do not corresponds with the licence discs,” said Steenkamp.

Operation Shanela is an expansion of O Kae Molao. Its aim is to fight rampant crime, which continues to be a concern for law-abiding citizens.

Minister of Police Bheki Cele and Ward 134 councillor Devon Steenkamp in Operation Shanela in Honeydew.

Michael Steyn of Honeydew CPF said that visible patrols and operations like this always reduce crime and show criminals that they are serious to reduce crime.

“We believe that the operation was very successful. We are happy to report that many arrests were made including drunk driving, undocumented people, drug-related crimes, as well as many illegal shebeens, which have been closed down.”

Honeydew CPF patrollers work hand in hand with the police in Operation Shanela

Minister of Police Bheki Cele also joined the roadblock.

“It’s always great to be joined by senior officials. They see how we, as the CPF, can be incorporated and assist at these roadblocks,” said Steyn.

CPF patrollers and police work together.

Steenkamp concluded that the minister’s attendance at the roadblock is appreciated because of his dedication to encouraging collaboration across varied spheres of government, departments, and entities at various levels to work together for the common good.

Official numbers will be released by SAPS once they are made available.

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