Community connects at clean-up

The river area on the corner of President Fouché and Witdoring roads are cleaned by the community as security guards stand by.

Some Sonneglans residents met and connected for the first time at a community clean-up for Mandela Day.

Danny Stemmet helps at the clean-up. Photo: Nicholas Zaal
Verna Meintjes and Edwin Williamson remove an old mattress from the river area. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

Neighbours shook hands and bumped fists, learning each other’s names between picking up rubbish and deadfall around the river area on the corner of President Fouché and Witdoring roads.

Paul Morel, Ashleigh Laullchander and Nick Wentworth connect at the clean-up. Photo: Nicholas Zaal
Albert Medupe cleans up the street. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

They filled up dozens of rubbish bags to be collected by Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo in the coming days. The rubbish bags and gloves were provided for, as well as hot drinks and biscuits.

Brendon Gouws collects a bag full of rubbish. Photo: Nicholas Zaal
Brendon Gouws finds more rubbish to throw away. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

“There is lots to clean, and I am very glad with the turnout,” said event organiser Verna Meintjes.
“We are grateful to the security company, Security Support Services, for being here and watching out for us.

Leonard Smith collects rubbish for removal. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

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