Linden police warn the community about online fraud

Linden police give tips on online fraud and ask the community to be vigilant when purchasing online.

Linden police have warned the community about purchasing anything online without verifying whether the company exists or not, as they are investigating numerous cases of online fraud.

Linden police station communication officer Sergeant Takalani Sibiya said that in one of the cases opened the complainant alleged that she went online looking for solar system. She came across the company that was in the advert. She then completed the form online to show her interest in purchasing the solar system.

“The company asked the complainant to deposit or to pay the amount of R24,444 and the complainant did, without verifying who the account belongs to or whether the company or the account exists or not.”

Sibiya added that the complainant was promised that the system will be delivered after seven days and it was never delivered. She tried to contact the company and realised that they don’t exist.

Sibiya shared the following safety tips for people to follow before making online purchases:

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